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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. 1 Pending Mike Brown 1 Pending New55galSALT 1 Pending hdnugyen7585
  2. It's under 20k ish LED's so I have a hard time getting decent pictures with accurate color. I have a Cali Tort also and this does not have the same coloration under the same lights.
  3. PM'd I have a Clarity+ 35watt UV Sterilizer rated to 500g, retails for $300. Make an Offer
  4. I wouldn't get marine land unless you are doing fish only with no coral. They aren't high output I don't think. My corals like my evolutions, AI is nice, and Radions are on sale right now. See what you need for your tank size
  5. If it is an Oregon, I got a steal on it
  6. I need to trim my Palau Nepthea. I'll chop off about 3 large branches off near my Green Slimer. If your interested let me know, I'll cut them to the size/amount of branches wanted. 1 SOLD New55galSALT 1 SOLD hdnugyen7585 I still have 1 full stalk available for 30$ 1 Large Branch for 20$
  7. The guy I got it from didn't know what it was. It's not deep blue like an Oregon Tort, and it doesn't have green like a Cali Tort. It's more of a baby blue almost.
  8. Take some water out? Maybe figure out where the water line needs to be for your system to be able to run, and to not run in order not to overflow. That would be my initial guess.
  9. I have them in my tank too. IDK what they are.
  10. 1. 8.5 during the day at it's highest - 8.2 during its lowest point in the night 2. ? 3. No Refugium 4. ALK doser runs for 50 seconds every 30 minutes all day every 2-3 days, haven't dosed calcium in about a month, reading 600ppm, idk 5. 200g tank, 40g sump, 300~ lbs of live rock, so @ 210 Gallons
  11. I have an all in one that I don't use, rated to 150g I think
  12. that's interesting, and I've heard of that happening to other people before. I wonder if there's a failsafe you can put in the programming for that not to happen? IDK, guess it's true that if you have it manually on or manually off, doesn't matter what your failsafe programming is. That kinda sucks. I'd let things settle down today, and maybe only run it for an hour or two later just to not over do it, then back to normal schedule tomorrow.
  13. I didn't realize you were at East View! I'm a Director at Reagan H.S.! We played yal earlier this year in Georgetown! Sorry, totally off topic.
  14. I've fragged my ORA green umbrella before with no issues. Just cut a piece off. Didn't do anything special. Yeah, its a show stopper! I'd be curious if anyone in ARC has had success taking a cutting from one. There'll be a point where it will need a little trimming.
  15. You must run low Calcium, I went through hell trying to frag my frogspawn!
  16. yeah, shane has some at fishy business.
  17. I would think that if they're pink, they just havn't been under strong light, and would eventually be red like the rest. But in reality, any pink ones you've seen are probably Rose Bubble Tip Anemones which are pretty redily available.
  18. Looks like a little RBTA to me! Cool!
  19. Do you have to be special to get a Happy B-Day shout out or is that for all premium members?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. KimP


      Me too, happy birthday!

    3. mFrame


      Happy Birthday, sorry I missed it but got hit with a bug Friday and haven't been on much. Hope you had a great one!

    4. Juiceman


      I caught a case of Strep from one of the students that Thursday before hand myself. Probably was doing the same thing as you!

  20. Ok, so after the move, I have had a few leaks in my PVC fittings, and I've been meaning to either fix it or redo it with Flex PVC. Well Luckily I was home for a few minutes when THIS HAPPENED!: Needless to say, it was time to get it done. Took a trip to Home Depot and got my new fittings and what not This time, I put in valves to I can undo the pluming without cutting it. I was messy with the glue but I wanted it to seal good! I flipped around my skimmer and reactor so now I have more room for Maintenance! So far, no leaks that I can see. I let the glue sit for an hour or so while I redid the Sump equipment.
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