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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. I'm looking toward faster growth now that I'm stable and not moving anything anytime soon!
  2. Some more from me as Promised Pink Pocillopore 6 Months Later 6/17/13 German Blue Digi German Blue 6 Months Later 6/17/13 Frogskin 6 Months Later 6/17/13 Green Seratopora on the Right, Green Birdsnest on the Left 6 Months Later 2/13/13 4/1/13 2/13/13 4/1/13 6/17/13 Birdsnest 6 Months Later 2/13/13 4/1/13 6/17/13 Chips Acro Post Move accidental Fragging 4/1/13 6/17/13
  3. Your going to need more than that got that tank. It'll get you started though.
  4. I could see it if its just been cooking phosphates and nitrates with no means of removal of the detritus.
  5. Did you change any of the water while they were cooking? Could be why the nutrients stayed or got worse
  6. Topless all the way! Oh wait, you wanna know about my tank..... I have a canopy but no top.
  7. I think the 3w Crees will over do a small tank. I'm talking with buildmyled.com now about making some custom specific color additions to Mu fixtures.
  8. I have a Chips Acro nearby it, but that's not it. I think the one he sold me is in the background of his pic.
  9. I currently run evo150 fixtures which have just blue and white LEDs. I've been looking into changing to a more full spectrum fixture but that's going to run me at least $2000 to change all the fixtures to a Vega or Radion pros or similar. How much would it run to make single strip that would have the red, green, yellow, magenta, uv, violet, etc to fill those missing spectrums? Is it even possible?
  10. I have evolution evo150's, and I dose CA, ALK, and MG daily, and I dose Zeovit bacteria and foods. I also run bio pellets.
  11. I currently have only blues and whites. My yellows and pinks are very pale. Red LEDs are supposed to bring this out. Most full spectrum led fixtures have the 2 blues, white, red, greeen, and uv. But you don't need much from what I understand.
  12. Yes, I would add a little red and or green. There's definitely a difference.
  13. A lot of people come to pick up frags from me and have the idea that LED's won't grow SPS coral. After looking at my old pics to now they definitely do! Whether its faster or slower than other lighting I think depends on the system. Here is a pic of one of my SPS that I was recently trying to ID. This is when I got it: And this is 5 months later: I will post more when I get home but feel free to post any of your LED SPS success! 2/13/13 6/17/13
  14. I used to use tlc, I've had better results with the zeobak. Not to say that tlc didn't work though
  15. Clarity+ 35 watt UV Sterilizer - used for about 4 months Zeovit does not recommend it's use, so it's just sitting. http://store.seacorals.net/deblcl35wint.html SOLD!
  16. I use UV brand VHO's. Super Actinic, and Actinic white were what I had. Aqua sun is another one if you want a yellower look.
  17. I have a potassium test kit. Never really been useful.
  18. Here's when I first got it!
  19. are you dosing bacteria? I have had great results with ZeoBak
  20. Zeovit mod's said its a Acropora gomezi. I wonder if there's a street name for it?
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