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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. I had my first one for about 8 months before I started running low nutrient. It withered pretty quick without lots of stuff in the water.
  2. My Goniopora did best when my tank was dirty! When I had a very clean tank, It ended up dying on me, i'm pretty sure it starved. Make sure it's not in too much flow, and throw some coral food its way every now and then and you should be good. Where'd you get it from by the way?
  3. My girlfriend works for time Warner so she can make cat5 cable to whatever spec I need. Let me know the official layout the wires need to be.
  4. Yeah, I called him last night, and they have an APEX in the office and are supposed to be doing some testing on their end too.
  5. I already have the profiles and outlets set. They just have no effect on the lights. I used regular cat5 cables. Is that the issue?
  6. I just got my BuildMyLED order and I'm trying to ramp them up and down, on and off with the apex V1/V2 etc variable ports. I have everything hooked up with Cat5 cables and named on the Profiles on the Apex for the Variable Outlets. But when I switch the "LED Outlet" on or off, it has no effect on the LED's themselves. I do see that the green light on the APEX Module is turning on and off with the programming. Did I miss a step somewhere? They are APEX dimmer module ready.
  7. Just picked up my Buildmyled order! Will Install then take pics tonight!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Juiceman


      I'm working on the them now. Trying to get them to Dim with the apex right now.

    3. ckyuv


      ever get pics?

    4. Juiceman


      I have the hardware to do it now. I didn't have it yesterday. I'm going to try and knock it out tonight. If not tonight, definitely tomorrow

  8. I have had green coralline before. Give it time.
  9. I've heard or people using "Quiet Ones" brand pumps and they're pretty quiet. I use mag drive pumps and can't complain.
  10. Juiceman


    I have 3 EVO150's at 150w a piece over 7 feet of tank. I have everything coral wise.
  11. On the site it says 1 vega for every 2 feet of coverage.
  12. Over populating more than anything. I have seen them on my green leather when it's closed up. Not sure if they are causing it to close but I'd rather be safe than sorry.
  13. Is there another way to get rid of these Asterina Stars without risking my Blue Linkia being food or dying? I've thought about getting a Harlequin shrimp, but i'm pretty sure he'd go after my Linkia I've had for about a year and a half. Experiences, Options?
  14. That's interesting. I had an echinata that was under a 400w halide that I acclimated and put in a low light area just to make sure I didn't cook it with my LED's and it RTN'd anyway. Could that have been why, a sudden decrease in par?
  15. I dip my SPS with Coral Rx while I'm acclimating them to my water. I take out half of the water they came in, add the Coral Rx, then dump the amount of water I took out back in with tank water. and let sit for 15 mins. I don't drip. I would think they would definitly stress without water acclimation. And as I've experienced before, sometimes the STN/RTN happens days or weeks after the initial stress event happens.
  16. I was moving my Setosa and I accidently knocked a piece off. It's a 3 branch loose piece about 1" tall. Get it for 10$ Pick-Up is in Shadowglen in Manor. I will trade for other SPS or Zoas, LMK what you got! I tried to get a pic of the frag but the camera wouldn't focus on it. Pic of my Colony:
  17. Id scratch the refugium entirely, but that's me.
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