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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. Anyone heard if this? It's on Austin aqua farms for 100$ per inch.
  2. I think you're fine. Maybe try to move it up but it doesn't have to be high.
  3. What lighting do you have? how tall of a tank. I've had my frogspawn always around the center of my tank.
  4. I can take her. I have 3 bartletts and 1 lyretails so she should do great! Pm'd
  5. I'd have to say that I do love that movie! and my students are super excited to see fish they recognize. LOL
  6. Ok Here's the tank now. I added 1 True Percula Clown 1 Small Blue Hippo (Will move to my 200 once big enough) hides from Tang Police 1 Yellow Watchman Goby 1 Pistol Shrimp And I have a 1' Build My LED fixture with their custom reef spectrum minus 1 6500k white, and added 1 UV 400nm LED. So far so good! Will start adding corals on Sunday from my 200g. Pic is taken with an Iphone. True colors are pretty excellent! I'm planning on adding a harlequin and maybe a porcelain crab. but that's about it.
  7. yeah, they will usually get it off, or thier oils/slime will remove it. As long as he's still eating you're fine.
  8. Check with Tim since he sold his coral! Wizard
  9. Bump, I pulled some Xenia away from some SPS it was encrouching, 10$ for the 7-8 stalks I pulled, or $5 for less.
  10. I'd leave them be, and just stuff them with vitamins, and garlic. Try to figure out what's stressing them also. You'll cause more stress trying to catch them. That's my opinion of course.
  11. During the summer I'm going to take it home. So I think it'll be fine there. I have a heater already. They definitly cut the AC/Heat at 5 each day. But it's typically cold in here all the time anyway so I think the heater will work out fine. it's rated for way more than 10 gals, I had it in a 55.
  12. I was thinking about having a pistol shrimp, I've always liked them but felt like I would lose it in the big tank. I was wondering about that. I have some eggcrate at home and some netting. Might have to make something.
  13. Ok so one of my co-workers came to my house warming party and saw my 200g Reef and was amazed. For a Christmas gift she picked my up a 1 Gallon fish bowl kit from Wal-Mart. I liked the idea of having a small tank in my office at school but I didn't want it to be that small! So we went and switched it to a 10 Gallon tank. I already had an extra marineland hang on filter for carbon and foam filtering from an old tank, so I pulled 10 gallons out of my 200g reef and 2 pieces of Live Rock from my tank also and here we go! Note: She loved the little neon island she picked out, so I kept it! LOL I'm already talking to Nick at BuildmyLED.com about getting a 12" fixture to hang over the tank. I'd like to keep it simple and have softies, Zoas, Mushrooms, ETC. Nothing high maintenence since they do turn off the a/c sometimes here. A few questions? What are some small fish that I can put in that would be self sufficient in that they won't starve over the weekends? Do I need to get a nano Skimmer? I'm probably going to add a koralia Nano just to keep things moving, any other suggestions?
  14. LOL, I was thinking about that too! lol
  15. Why does it say no PM's but there's no phone number or email to contact you? I'd like the 12k Par38
  16. Yeah, I told him the same thing, I wouldn't have room for all of it! LOL Excellent price!
  17. Brs auto shutoff valve! Some come with a float valve too. I have an extra float valve from them.
  18. I have a pair of them that host my nepthea that I just put together. And I have another pair that is one black and one orange and they both host my rbta. I didn't do anything special
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