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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. I'm coming up to cedar park today. Want me to bring 2? Lmk
  2. I've tested my freshly mixed water at 12dkh before! See what yours is
  3. I have been using kent since I started. Have you checked your ALK levels? Kent typically has high ALK when its freshly mixed. May have caused a spike depending on your systems normal perameters.
  4. It looks like there's a lot of kinks in the tubing for your overflows and returns. That will probably become an issue. What do you have the return lines going to in the tank? I have some extra hang on nossels that I just took off my tank that you can have for cheap if you like.
  5. Juiceman

    monti caps

    Is the ling sy the green with purple rim monti or is there something differen about. I think I already have some, just want to be sure.
  6. The pros of buying online are typically better selection, and lower prices. The draw back is not seeing them before you get them. There are often times smaller or bigger than what you expect. Local stores are usually a tad bit higher in price but you know exactly what your getting. You can also see if there is anything physically wrong with them or if they eat well
  7. I just upload mine into the thread as attachments.
  8. If you can purchase them from their "Diver's Den" they would already be trained to eat frozen and already quarantined. That's the best way to go. I used them because they have a 14 day guarantee money back or credit which is hard to match locally if at all. I purchase the majority of my stock from local stores and from fellow reefers. And most of the stores in the area will order whatever you ask. My last order from them. Everything lasted longer than 14 days but all died a week later. I wouldn't blame anyone but myself though for that since that's when I added the stock from my other tank when I sold it and stressed everyone out. A 75g would not be big enough for the recommended size for an Achilles also so you may be pushing it.
  9. A crocea or a deresa would be good. Maximas and squamosas are cool too. I don't think they differ much as far as needs are concerned. I think you should just get what you want. I'm not sure
  10. I dose brs' ALK every 30 mins and CA every hour via dosing pumps controlled by the apex. I dose mg manually every now and then, and I dose Kent's essential elements, iodine, and Zeovit k-balance once a week. I use zeobak bacteria 2x a week, and every now and then I throw one of the Zeovit coral foods in which include Xtra, Amino Acids, Coral Vitalizer, and Zeospur2 which is really cool to see the color difference it makes on SPS. Little to no water changes here also.
  11. It was a 4-5" deresa clam. No snails on the bottom when I pulled it . Just a few inside once it was already dead.
  12. Have to say, I'm excited about my shipment from Live Aquaria. Very Healthy fish and great looking stag!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Juiceman


      Pic is in my build. Bright green stag with pink tips

    3. cMidd


      Would you feel comfy ordering a "difficult" species from them?

    4. Juiceman


      Replied to you in my build

  13. Ok, we're going to try this again now that i'm staying put and not adding a bunch of other stuff that'll freak out the fish. Got in an order from Live Aquaria 1 Achilles Tang 2 Lyretail Anthias' From the Diver's Den 1 Pink Tipped Green Stag, I have to say i'm really pleased with the health and SIZE of this colony. It lost a little color in the shipping, but i'll give it some time and it'll color up fine. here's how it looked in their picture: And just dipped and acclimated to my tank. Polyps were out in seconds! I'm excited to watch it color up!
  14. I definitely have the oddball. I've seen him go for dwarf ceriths, but nothing else. I once saw him go after an Emerald crab which ended with him being pissed off but nothing more. LOL If anything, he gets picked on by the other fish. But he's got great personality! Had him for a little more than a year.
  15. I have the beta from a while back. There's firmware for your Apex and for your computer! you have to make sure and do both!
  16. Cont... Orange Tipped Teal Torch (Shane Fishy Business) Frogspawn (Fishy Business) Octo Frogspawn (Austin Aqua Farms) Note Fish don't pose for pictures!! LOL Sailfin Tang - Aquadome Clown - Aquadome Bartlett Anthias (I have 3) (Hydro) Midas Blenny - Aquadome Hippo Tang (Aquadome, was less than and inch when I got him!) Lyretail Anthias (Fishy Business) Ocilaris Clown - Fishy Business Porcupine Puffer aka Puff Daddy (Aquadome) Yellow Tang (Fishy Business) Purple Tang (Fishy Business) Thanks for looking!
  17. Cont.. Bird of Paradise (Lewk) Green Mille (Elegant Reef) Pink Tipped Acro (Clint, Fishypets) Meteor Shower (Wizard) Cool Acro (Wizard via Live Aquaria) Pink Mille (RobR) Forest Fire Digi Paletta Loveli (Wizard) Cali Tort (RChavez) German Blue Digi (RChavez) Pink Pocillapore (dapettit) Blue Polyped Birdnest Green Seratopora (RChavez) Purple Rimmed Green Monti Purple Hammer Coral (Frags and More) Green Goniopora (Fishy Business) Green Hammer (Austin Aqua Farms) Purple and Green Hammer (Fishy Business) RBTA (Aquadome) Austrailian Orange and Pink Torch (Austin Aqua Farms)
  18. Well the new year is upon us. I wanted to make a log of my Corals and Fish on 1/1/13 so I can have a reference. Here we go! Full Tank Shot Pink Birdsnest (RChavez) Purple Polyped Birdsnest (BBMarlin) Blue Acro JG Yellow (RChavez) Strawberry Limeade (Shane at Fishy Business) Green Birdsnest (RChavez) Teal Acro (Wizard) Purple Digi Sold to me as Tri Color Vailda, not sure yet Purple Meridiana (Clint, Fishypets) Chip's Acro (Hydro) Palmer's Blue Mille (Wizard) Miyagi Tort (Clint, Fishypets) Roscoe's Blue Acro (Wizard) Yellow Tort (Clint, Fishypets) Monti Setosa Frogskin (Elegant Reef) Green Tabling Acro (Don Duncan)
  19. If you've been seeing my recent status, I've been having issues with a Christmas Wrasse going down my overflows. I devised a way to fix this but it caused a problem at the same time. My overflows have a few large holes in the teeth because my water level was too high in my tank and the water was touching the center brace. I cut a few of the teeth out to let more water go down the overflows to fix this issue. Well those same holes are what the Wrasse was fitting through. I had this mesh that I bought when I installed my Bio-Pellets. figured it would work out perfectly! I cut them to size of the overflows Looks great right! Well now the dang water level is higher! GRRR! May have to cut some more teeth but keep the mesh? What do yal think?
  20. Well, woke up to some crabs inside of it and it being no responsive to my touching the center so I pulled it. has it for a year and a half. Bummer.
  21. What's up with my clam? I have one right next to it that looks great! What do yal think? It will close when I touch it.
  22. Just post the link for the video and mine embeds.
  23. Dunno what you're trying to do but my 10g is lot by a 1' custom reef spectrum from build my led.
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