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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. Ditched the rock and now have 3 frags. Left 2" 10$ - SOLD AndrewT middle 2" 10$ - SOLD KingJames420 right 3"-4" $15 - Pending MelloYello
  2. The frag I put in my 10g at school is doing great! May be great for a pico starter!
  3. I don't have sections, but I would think to skim prior to a refugium or other things of that nature. Plus it will give any micro bubbles a chance to go away prior to being put back into your tank.
  4. I used to fill mine on my 90 about once every 5 days and it was 5 gallons so I think you're about right, I do about 13 gallons a week with my 200.
  5. He's still in his Juvenile Colors, but is about 4", eats everything including Pellets, Nori, Scallops, Krill, Mysis, PE Mysis, Blends, pretty much anything i've put in the tank. I've never caught him nipping SPS but i've suspected him for a long time and I've found some bite marks. I've seen him nip at my Crocea Clam before too. He doesn't do it much, but I wouldn't risk it. Retail is $40 for the 2" Juvenile, so I figure $50 for a trained, healthy (FAT!) 4" is very fair. I just caught him and hes in a holding tank.
  6. When we first got ours, he would only eat live ghost shrimp. So I would go get 12 or so once a week. After that, we tried bay scallops from heb which was the first prepared food he ate. Then he began to accept krill. Now we can feed him anything. Never really went for clams or scallops in the shell.
  7. Well my Achilles Tang has been in my tank for 3 and 1/2 weeks now, but still hasn't eaten any prepared foods! hmmm, I didn't think I had enough algae in my tank to support that diet. The Stag and Lyretails didn't make it, but Live Aquaria was very helpful and stress free in their guarantee process. I'm going to try another coral and Lyretails soon. I have suspected my Koran Angel for a while at nipping a little too close to my SPS and Clams, so I'm going to go a head a catch him after I found some bite marks on one of my Birdsnests. He will be up for sale soon!.
  8. There will be a very fat and healthy 4" Koran Angel up for sale soon. Disclaimer* He nips SPS. :(

    1. Texasrob
    2. Juiceman


      Got Em! he's up for sale!

  9. You can use the frag plug for reference but the pocillapore pieces are both about 2" a piece.
  10. I have pulled the last one from the tank and have it in a bucket with a pump. I can have it with me in cedar park tomorrow. I'm off for MLK also so I can meet Monday too!
  11. I redid my screen top owith parts from my kit from BRS. A lot slicker and sturdier than the eggcrate. Easy to do too.
  12. I pulled a rock that had some Pink and Green Pocillapore. I tried to get it off in one piece but was unsuccessful. I have the large frag and pieces with me at school at Reagan High. If would would like them, come and get them. You'll get everything in the bag. The one in the tank is for reference.
  13. Anyone have a fish trap I can borrow?

    1. BBMarlin


      I've got that aqua medic one if you want to drive out here again.

    2. wizardx322


      I do lol I think I have 2

  14. I remember those days! Being super excited when I saw growth! Lol it's always fun to look back at their original state.
  15. Mine chases other wrasses, but is a model cetizen and my oldest fish otherwise.
  16. I'll give you some replacement! Pm me if you want some!
  17. I use 1mm sinking pellets for my regular fish, they have larger ones for bigger fish also.
  18. FYI to all people skeptical about online retailers and their guarantees, I lost my recent Coral purchase from Live Aquaria to RTN, they offered help and suggestions when it happened, and issued the credit immediatly. My Achilles still hasn't accepted any food but is still alive, they extended his warranty by 2 additional weeks!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Texasrob


      U get a good deal on that tang?

    3. bimmerzs


      Online credit is only good if you don't have to make a min purcase in order to replace what died. After spending $300 to get a $25 fish that lived, I now only buy fish that I can see swimming, healty and eating. YMMV

    4. Juiceman


      Hmm, there's no minimum purchase, only if you want free shipping. That's definitely the online hitch.

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