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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. I'll touch base with you after this week. I'm not in a hurry, just learning.
  2. Bio, can I come check out your External setup so I can visualize it better?
  3. Ok, That's what I had in my head! LOL
  4. I had the same thing happen to my echinata, I cut off the dead tips as much as I could and it grew over and is all well now. Definitly my reccomendation.
  5. OK, they don't list them by HP so what would the gph be? And I don't quite understand the manifold suggestion. I think I do but I'm not 100%
  6. I currently have running 1 mag 12 for my chiller, 1 mag 18 that's returning water and running my GFO, and 1 mag 9.5 returning water. I'm transferring loads of heat because of this. I'm looking into switching to 1 strong external pump and manifolding it to run everything. What do I need to do this? Do I have to drill the side of my Sump? Any other way of judging how strong of a pump I need, It's my understanding that they handle head pressure better than my submerged pumps so an external doesn't necessarily need to be and strong to pull off the same results. Please help with your experiences!
  7. Anyone have a good recommendation for a small canister filter for my desktop tank. I hate this HOB filter!

  8. Don had great colors when he switched, if not better, but his tank crashed a few months ago so there goes that. I used to run MH and had good color and growth. But I blasted them with the 400w when I switched tanks and killed them so I can't compare really. I can show you the Birdsnest and Pocciapore that I had then and now. I'll look for some pics when I get home.
  9. Definitely Yals problem is only having white and blue. I'm getting great colors ever since I add uv, green, and red to my spectrum. I have a blue acro that I've had for almost 8 months and in the last week, I started seeing pink tips!
  10. I don't see why not. It's rated for 100 gallons so I'd say sure. Could I go with the G-1 for ~25g of water? I am doing an SPS dominate so I want some overskimming and I also want one that would be sufficient when I upgrade to something like a 60g.
  11. I never worry when I see ich. I keep my fish fat and load them up with garlic and aminos. They'll beat it every time
  12. I have had no issues with my ASM skimmers. I had the ASM g2 on my 90 gallon and an ASM g4 on my 200. Both pull out plenty!
  13. Update, I think it was my Koran Angel that found a liking for the Deresa clam. I saw him nipping at it while it was dying so I didn't think much of it, but i've since caught him nipping my new croceas so i'm pretty sure it was him that stressed out the Deresa. He has since been evicted.
  14. How much does that Neo Nano run?
  15. 1 hydrophora 2 northern lights? 3 not sure, but could be a slimer 4 I'm not sure
  16. Hammer Coral from Fishy Business Then 1/9/11 Now 1/2/13 (after almost losing and fragging 7/19/11) Post Yours!
  17. SOLD 2 Large Rocks! Still have 1 Large and several small rocks
  18. I still have Tim's if he's ok with you getting it from me. I already caught my Koran.
  19. So did you catch him already. I just used Tim's trap. Worked great!
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