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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. you going to put your tower from your other tank on the other side?
  2. Coral Update, been having a coral frag sale so some aren't as big as they were 2 weeks ago but I figured I'd show the ones that have the biggest difference. Purple Polyped Birdsnest 1/1 4/1 Green Seratopora 1/1 4/1 Green Birdsnest 1/1 4/1 Chip's Acro 1/1 4/1 Palmer's Blue Mille 1/1 4/1 Roscoe's Blue Acro 1/1 4/1 One of my Female Lyretails turned into a Male! I also have some new additions from Live Aquaria Pink Tipped Tenuis Maricultured Mille And my favorite new addition (had him for about 2 months) Achilles Tang (He didn't want me to take his picture) I bought him from Diver's Den so I know he didn't come with anything. He got Ick about 3 weeks into being in the tank. He eats frozen and Nori like a pig. I soak everything in garlic and aminos daily. I plan on getting a cleaner wrasse to help since my cleaner shrimp don't do anything. He goes right up to them and they just sit there! My current task is one day to pull the rocks that have xenia on them and get it off, as well as start taking care of the aptasia that seem to love my zeovit additives.
  3. Decided to organize my equipment finally. I know, I know, combination of moving and laziness made this happen. I overflew my sump a few days ago and could have easily ruined all of my equipment. So I went and picked up the Panduit from Altex. I like the idea of hiding all of the wires inside of it, but I found it to be very hard to do when you can get behind the tank or the cords for the equipment aren't long enough. What I decided was to go the easy route and move all of my equipment to the other side of the tank away from all top off equipment and dosing, as well as to mount them away from the floor. I used some of the mounts that came with my MP40s and black zip ties. I also picked up a 12$ labeler and have labeled my DJ switches as well as the individual plugs on each piece of equipment. This is the ATO area and APEX mainframe now. Not 100% pretty but everything is safe and I can easily figure out what is what and make any changes as needed.
  4. So this is why I brought up this thread I know, I know, combination of moving and laziness made this happen. I overflew my sump a few days ago and could have easily ruined all of my equipment. So I went and picked up the Panduit from Altex. I like the idea of hiding all of the wires inside of it, but I found it to be very hard to do when you can get behind the tank or the cords for the equipment aren't long enough. What I decided was to go the easy route and move all of my equipment to the other side of the tank away from all top off equipment and dosing, as well as to mount them away from the floor. I used some of the mounts that came with my MP40s and black zip ties. I also picked up a 12$ labeler and have labeled my DJ switches as well as the individual plugs on each piece of equipment. This is the ATO area and APEX mainframe now. Not 100% pretty but everything is safe and I can easily figure out what is what and make any changes as needed.
  5. Feeling super accomplished right now. Will post pics tomorrow!

    1. Jimbo662


      You're just gonna leave us hanging???? You know we all want instant gratification these days.

    2. Juiceman


      I pit it in my build and in the organize wires thread

    3. Jimbo662
  6. Small school of hippos would be cool. Purple tang takes care if alot of algae.
  7. The pic I put is from a Zeovit tank call A Reef in the Sky, his name is Andrew out of Hong Kong. But the Thailand tank is insane!!!!
  8. that is panduit Can you post a pic of what you have and or where you got it?
  9. This is something I saw on the Zeovit site from a guy in Hong Kong. His thread is called a Reef in the Sky.
  10. Not really, Currently everything is just laying on the floor in my stand right next to the sump, which is horrible. I overflew my sump a few days ago after messing with my returns, and It gave me the wake-up call to get everything fixed.
  11. I'm going to finally get around to mounting/organizing all of my ballasts, cords, plugs, etc. I was interested in see how other people did theirs, any gadgets they used to keep things organized, etc. If this is in the wrong place, please move accordingly
  12. Well it's officially a reef. Corals seem to be doing well other than some Xenia I put in. It's really shriveled up and losing color. I almost think the tank could possibly be too clean right now. Took me a while to get the skimmer dialed in, but i'm finally getting some foam! my eggcrate came unsiliconed in the sump so my foam fitler isn't totally filtering the water anymore, but I think that'll be fine.
  13. Would anyone be interested in a Basically new Finnex PX-360 Canister Filter? Paid 50$ for it but i'll probably only get $40 back after returning it. Rated to 25g

  14. I'd go in on one of those crazy Mille Colonie's with someone?
  15. yeah, it means you have high calcium, stop dosing and let your corals catch up.
  16. If you go up to AAF on saturdays, he usually has quite a bit more on hand in the line of colonies. I was there last saturday and he received over 400 pieces! Yeah, I go up there all the time. I've never asked him what the prices were, I've just seen the colonies and frags for sale online for high prices.
  17. I have now purchased 4 SPS Colonies from Live Aquaria. 3 out of the 4 are doing well and growing. The first one died pretty fast, but I later figured out that my Koran Angel had taken a liking to it and aided it's demise. I only purchased from Diver's Den. The 3 I have done since removing the Koran have done very well and I will buy from them again. Any SPS you ship will lose some color during the shipping stress, but once in a stable environment, they color up pretty quickly. I have also used Austin Aqua Farms, but they typically only sell frags of SPS. They sell some colonies on their site, but their pretty pricey.
  18. 1 is Roscoe's Blue Acro 2/3 both look like Mille's but I can tell what color they are from the picture. Tim had lots of Milles
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