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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. yes, the 4 small frags are still available
  2. I have been very pleased with my Achilles from Live Aquarias divers den. He was immediately accepting all frozen food and just recently started eating pellets. I tried 2 previously from regular Live Aquaria and was not successful.
  3. My Achilles Tang just feasted on NLS Thera+ pellets!!!! Victory!!!!

    1. brian.srock
    2. Brooks


      Lucky! This is on my MUST HAVE list!

  4. Juiceman


    Keep them fat on garlic and vitamins, and don't stress them.
  5. I just go done having a conversation with someone who was told to let his skimmate be poured right back into his tank and only use his skimmer for aeration purposes. I think it's crazy, but does anyone else do this?!
  6. Yeah, it will effect the skimmers performance. And a skimmer uses a Venturi pump which already reduces the flow. You can manifold from your return pump, works very well usually.
  7. When I had a rbta, it looked just like that, 2 months later, it was as red as can be!
  8. It's a little anemone. Has that nice red/pink foot.
  9. Yup, basically. If you hard plumb from the pump to the bottom of the overflow, then put whatever loc line stuff you want at the top.
  10. I had this when my check valve for the waste line had come out, once it was installed everything worked fine.
  11. Would anyone be interested in going in on a Live Aquaria order with me? I'd like to have something delivered Friday.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. jestep


      Live aquaria or divers den? I think they ship from separate places.

    3. Juiceman


      They do but it all counts towards free shipping.

    4. ATXJayhawk


      Did you already put this order in?

  12. Would anyone be interested in going in on a Live Aquaria order with me? I'd like to have something delivered Saturday morning.

    1. Juiceman


      I take that back, Friday delivery.

    2. Richard L

      Richard L

      Sounds like fun. Count me in.

  13. I want it!!!! Lol. Never heard of it
  14. Don't buy a maxi jet as a power head! Total waste, and they're loud. Korelia is great for a low price and I way quieter than most power heads. Next would be tunze which are nice as well but a little more expensive. I would never put anything other than vortech's on a big coral dominant tank. But that's me. Fish won't care.
  15. I used to have an autotopoff.com ato which worked well for the year and a half I had it. It used float switches which can get stuck in the on it off position. Same with jbj. I currently use the tunze osmilator and it uses and optical eye to sence the water level. Alot less room for error. I use have found ASM skimmers to work very well in my large tanks.
  16. I cut a piece of my Purple Digi which ended up knocking way more off than I'd planned. These are the frags I made on the left, and the large frag on the right that I made on purpose. I was thinking $20 for the large frag (Large Frag SOLD) 8 Small Frags SOLD 10$ for the 4 remaining frags. That's 2.50$ a frag! This is the colony prior to cutting (Not for Sale)
  17. Was the theme Green?! I would have entered.
  18. Hmm, I'd it rtn'ing? Could it be spawning?
  19. dude, why did you have to turn me onto another cool tang! geesh......
  20. Great, Love the way it's integrated!
  21. Great Job guys! I would be worried about the height of the LEDs too. See what AI reccomends
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