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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. Juiceman

    Sps ID

    They vary just like any other coral, But I had a stag that you had to use huge cutters to frag. And I also have to other stags that are much smaller. Still thicker than most SPS though.
  2. Juiceman

    Sps ID

    Definitly a Stag. wheres that pic from? i could try to look at some different angles
  3. Closest to you is going to be Aquadome I think, but they're closed. Closest after that would be Fishy Business and Aquatek.
  4. I could be wrong, but the growth pattern and polyps on that "Red Mille" look more like a red/orange Digitata to me.
  5. Yeah, that slime will kill anything it stays on. If you see it, get it out!
  6. That's ALK is pretty high but if its been consistent there with everything happy, then idk. Make sure nothing is brushing it. You'd be surprised how long lps sweeper tenticles get at night. If there's any brown slime, get it off of it. That can bother it too. May be a good idea to frag off the affected heads.
  7. Made 53 SPS frags last night. Sale coming soon!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Juiceman


      Green seratopora, paletta blue, bird of paradise, forest fire digi, green digi, pink and green pocillapore, and more

    3. Toxiq Reef
    4. Juiceman


      I'm working on pics of them, but that's proving difficult

  8. I have 3 Evolution 150's and 4 3' Build My LED strips, 2 with White, Green, Red, and Yellow to complement the Evos, and 2 with UV and the 2 blue LED's. I will eventually go all Build My LED but for now, my tank is doing well with the current setup.
  9. Purple Polyped Birdsnest 1/1 4/1 Palmer's Blue Mille 1/1 4/1
  10. A lot of people come to pick up frags from me and have the idea that LED's won't grow SPS coral. After looking at my old pics to now they definitely do! Whether its faster or slower than other lighting I think depends on the system. Here is a pic of one of my SPS that I was recently trying to ID. This is when I got it: And this is 5 months later: I will post more when I get home but feel free to post any of your LED SPS success! Updated Pic 2/13/13
  11. That was my understanding, I was just making sure.
  12. would I put the tubing into the overflow or into the hole drilled in the pipe?
  13. I was thinking about that but i'm not going to be about to get to all the tubes to remove them since they're glued in. I was thinking to drill the holes, then put tubes going up and away from the water level.
  14. I'm trying to quiet my Overflow. They are the Fishy Business style with the bulkhead being in the back of the tank. I bought some high quality CPX union valves for them but I'm wondering if the solution may be simpler than that. Could I drill a hole in the top of my 90 right after the bulkhead similar to what you would to a Durso to remove the gurgle? Any other Ideas?
  15. Been a while. I was having trouble with my corals bleaching, so I picked up a dimmer for my BML light. I dialed it down to 50% and everything's been happy ever since. My clown died of some type of bacterial infection, and the hippo shortly after that. I decided to go with fish that I didn't neccessarily have to feed, and would serve more of a purpose. So currently, I have a small Yellow Coris Wrasse, and a Lawnmower Blenny. Both have been doing well and cleaning the heck out of the tank. The "Clear" overflow definitly is brown now. Wouldn't do that again!
  16. I use Red Sea tests for mg and I use brs mg. I just throw some in every now and again. I don't regularly dose
  17. Carbon should knock it out. Are they slimy bubbles?
  18. I have some small pieces of green digi, pink and green pocillapore, green seratopora, paletta blue, purple polyped birdsnest. If you want to see the colonies, check out my trimming sale thread.
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