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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. Yeah, and they're 10$ more than from BRS. Surprisingly no other stores in town carry bio pellets... Most had no clue whet I was talking about.
  2. If you have any left over BRS bio pellets after filling up your reactor, I'd like to buy them from you. Let me know. Thanks!
  3. Also, It should be noted that there are baffles siliconed in right in the center also which could act as a temporary brace as a "new one" cures, etc? Or could negate the reason for having a brace since the baffle may already be enough to take care of it.
  4. I have not been able to use my new Sump the way I want to because the centerbrace is in the way of the equipment I need to use. Does anyone know how I could safely remove it and add two smaller braces or any other solutions there may be?
  5. So I guess you lost this guy?
  6. You would do it when I'm going to be in Dallas for the state fair.
  7. My toadstool pisses off the stuff it touches. I trimmed it and revealed an entire part of a coral killed from it.
  8. Well Ordered 2 WP25's. Got some gross algae once everything was done. I cut back the lights and feeding and it's catching up. Update video coming soon!
  9. I have a few things from you. No problem!
  10. What are the cables you're making for?
  11. Purple Digi gone, Birdsnest Available.
  12. I have a gig at the new HEB in Mueller tomorrow at 2. I'll be driving up to cedar park in the next 30 mins or so
  13. I decided to sell the one of the halves of my Frogspawn rather than putting them back together. The one in the front is for sale. $45 15+ heads SOLD Also for sale is my bubble coral. I've had this bubble coral for almost 2 years and it has done nothing in my tank but sprout babies. It was inflated like crazy and really puffy when I got it but has never been happy in my tank. Maybe it'll do better in yours! $10
  14. After my rescape I have Lots of coral and not enough rock space to put them on so I need to clear some stuff to make some room. Purple Polyped Birdsnest Colony - $40 about 7-8" around Note, these are old pics, so the Colonies are even bigger now. Updated pic below
  15. Be it known this pic is prior to the rescape.
  16. Colors and Polyp Extension look good in the bag! Can't wait to acclimate!
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