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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. Just letting you guys know that the new Live Aquaria system sends your order out immediately so you can't add to your order the day after like you used to. I also asked about combining credits and orders. If someone was to be placing and order and you wanted to use your credit towards a fish on someone elses order, you could do that. They said we would have to call on three way to talk to all parties, but that they could to it. So all those people that have a 24.99$ credit but don't want to do a full order could combine for one order with another person. Just FYI
  2. Heater is the culprit of the surge i'd bet. Always the Heater!
  3. What do you use to raise a skimmer up in the SUMP?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. esacjack


      i have some of the neoprene pucks from BRS. I actually have two extra if you want them.

    3. mFrame


      I have an unused skimmer stand in my garage if you're looking for one.

    4. Juiceman


      I made one out of eggcrate but it's not very sturdy. I'll take it off you if you'd like

  4. I can pull some from my clam shell. LMK
  5. Ty will be selling his ASM G-3 shortly after he buys my ASM G4+ in the next few days. Hit him up!
  6. Can i get some of that frag pack action? And You're down the street from me too.
  7. Oh and I have some Large Frags of ORA Green Seratopora for $10
  8. I can give you a few digi frags, Purple, Blue, and A Few small pieces of Monti, Red and Green. $10 total.
  9. So just to be clear. You had Rapid Tissue Necrosis or RTN. It can be caused by fluctuations in parameters, temperature, or high levels if nitrate and phosphate. It happens many times unexpectedly. If a snail, crab, or fish was messing with it, it would take longer and you would see signs of it.
  10. ORA Green Seratopora (Sour Apple) Birdsnest Mini Colony 4"-5" - $25 - $20 Large Frag - $10 Each Pic of Colony (NOT FOR SALE)
  11. Ideally set up a new larger tank with some water and rock already curing/cycling, then add your water and rock/fish/coral to the new tank. (It becomes basically a big water change but you keep your bio diversity with your old water. Put in new substrate rather than recycling the old. - When you move around the old substrate, it's going to stir up all kinds of stuff. Check out my moving thread. If you have to move the main tank, empty it's contents into travel containers, and house them inside your new place with a power head and heater until you get your tank moved. LPS, Softies, and Fish are pretty tolerant to a move. It's the SPS that are finicky. You should be fine!!!
  12. I think BB doesn't look good personally. But that's me. I will always have a small amount of substrate. I will probably use the larger grain Aragonite sand from now on instead of Crushed Coral. I don't like how it looks anymore. I'm speaking only for aesthetics. I definitely don't like deep sand beds and live sand, that's for sure! Gross!
  13. In my experience, I tried the only at night thing, the more at night than during the day thing. the CA and ALK at the same time thing I was the most successful when I was doing them both everyday I did best with dosing more ALK than CA. but I dosed them both all day. I dosed my ALK every 30 mins and my CA at the 45min on each hour.
  14. accidently fragged my Hammer. Up for sale are 9 heads for $45 Pic is of the Colony (Not for Sale) I can meet at or near Reagan High during the day or you can come out to Manor during the evenings
  15. Should be fine to cover up the ends until you move, just be mindful of the heat, because they do get a little hot. Depending on what you use to cover it up, may have no issues at all.
  16. Discount $500 for all 3 $175 per fixture Will meet in Austin!
  17. Leaning towards skims, any other suggestions?
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