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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. I think the hippo is about 4 inches long? I have had him for at least 2 years. I will post the pics I have of everything tonight. I have a 200g tank. He will be right at home Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. And the hippo Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Interested in clams depending on if they're different than what I already have Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Update video coming soon. Things are getting back to normal after my Brook/Flukes/ICH fiasco. All QT'd fish are back in the tank and looking good. I've already talked with Niko and we're working on Tang Restocking! Corals are doing well. I noticed some STN at the base on two acros and started looking for any issues IE, tesing ALK, etc. Looked at my Bio-Pellets to find they had stopped tumbling. The pump has a lever on it for the flow rate, and it had been turned down some how, I had a big BLACK clog of Bio-Pellets at the bottom of the reactor. Smelled horrible once I got it out to clean and get rid of the bad pellets. I added some fresh to make up for what I had to pull out, and turned the pump back up, and we're back in business! I wonder why I didn't have more issues from the Black Bio Pellets, clearly they were covered with dead and dying Bacteria and they smelled HORRIBLE. worse than any skimmate.
  5. I have the original colony if anyone else wants some and you can't cut anymore. Sorry to high jack Great to see it has done so well with you!
  6. What's the TDS before the DI stage. That would be what I would check. High TDS water going in would exhaust it really quick. You may need a new membrane or to looking into the water saver kit from BRS.
  7. Nitrate kit and mag kit still available. 20$ for both! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Why don't you test your meter in someone else's tank to check it? I have plenty of healthy SPS if you want a voltage comparison.
  9. air line in the tube, suck out the air manually
  10. I have a Tunze Nano DOC Protein Skimmer 9002 skimmer that is extra. Would sell for $80
  11. I use the anti sync setting, I get alot of random flow, Not a direct wave. If I had a Smaller tank, I might right it. like your 4' tank
  12. @Elizzy There's Duncans to the left, a candy cane behind them, and a birds nest top left? Not sure which you're referring to
  13. I'll chime in Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. They were still there this morning Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. That was my thought too, I'm wondering what they're cleaning? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Other than bothering my clams?! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Looks like everyone's going to be ok. All qt'd fish have no signs of parasites and are eating well, fish in the display are looking better by the day and have less and less on them. I'm going to do the full qt and no add the infected back in until the tangs in the display are parasite free Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Light?, pump/s? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. I have free shipping by myself, and since yal have free shipping for yal, I'm going to go ahead and order.
  20. I'm in. Let me know how much more we need to be free, and that's what i'll order. LOL
  21. All gone Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. After my aqua scape change, everything was fine for a while. I added a carx and started tweaking that for a while and had a few small alk spikes. Also added some cuc from someone else's tank that was shutting down that I didn't take the time to properly acclimate. I'm pretty sure that entire cuc died in my refugium and cause a phosphate spike. I lost about 7 sps colonies which included 2 large ones that I had for a very long time. I had several colonies stn to the point where I had to cut them up to save them. It has taken about a month of keeping things steady and feeding my fish regularly to get things back to normal. I had 3-4 colonies that stn'd at the base over the course of all this, but continued to grow at the tips. Very odd. As of now, I'm getting my color back, and getting growth again. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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