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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. Anyone want a free damsel? It's in a small container

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Juiceman


      Idk what kind, not yellow tail. About 1.25"

    3. Juiceman


      Ehh, put it in the new tank. Didn't want it to die

    4. Richard L

      Richard L

      Was your damsel in distress?

  2. Buy the best you can get at the beginning, If you buy cheap, you'll have to replace or upgrade eventually anyway.
  3. Is that originally from me?
  4. You're not supposed to use a mesh filter in a bio pellet reactor. So just take it out!
  5. Once your nutrients are low, you have to keep food for the coral in your system. I just make sure I feed frozen every now and again with plenty of small particles and it keeps everything happy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. My 29g octopus Tank was a fail. So i'm making way for a larger tank that I will plumb into my current system. Tank is 30" x 12" x 18" i think. 29 Tall is what you see it labeled as alot. The Tank was drilled by fishy business. Tank comes with the 10 Gallon sump I built with a bubble trap and plumbing for the overflow and return. The Stand is your standard Pine Tank stand with one door. 29g Drilled Tank - $75 Korelia Nano 425 - $20 (2) $15ea (2) 10 g Sump - $20 $15 Mag 3 Return Pump - $25 $20 TLF Reactor moded for Bio Pellets - $25 $20 Stand - $50 $45 Heater - $10 Finnex PX-360 Canister Filter - $20 Total: $235 All Yours for $175 $150! Pm for best response! The Picture of the Stand has a 20L on it. NOT the 29g for sale. See other picture for the 29G.
  7. Ever heard of a 4" Hippo Tang jumping out of a tank? You have now! WTF!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KKAAY


      I just had my flame fin tang do the same. .. so sad

    3. jestep


      My 5" foxface jumped hit the wall while I was doing a water change a few months ago. Luckily I was able to save him, after I realized it was a fish, I thought my daughter threw a shoe at me or something it hit so hard.

    4. FarmerTy


      That's crazy Rory! Makes me want to get a canopy on my tank that much faster!

  8. You can come shop in my tank whenever you want! LOL
  9. Texted on 60g tank. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Ok, I'm ordering for it to be shipped directly to me. Thanks!
  11. So I just saw that I get free shipping for the quick crew that I was getting. Is there a benefit to ordering with you guys or should I just stay on my own?
  12. I'll bite. I need to do an updated video similar to this:
  13. Juiceman


    I've had my blue linkia for about 2.5 years. I had an orange one too but it decided that it wanted to go inside an mp40....... Didn't end well Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. I want to see if there's any interest on a 3 Month Old Purple Wave 6' BML fixture. It works very well and Purples the crap out of the tank, but I'm not getting the color I want with my current combo of fixtures which this is too strong for. I don't like dimming down to a different color, so I'd rather try something different. Please let me know if anyone's interested in adding some Purple to their Spectrum. New they are $413.00 plus tax. I'd like to get $350 back on it being that its only 3 months old. Let me know. I'm still currently using it, so if someone is interested they can come see it in person also.
  15. I have a 1' Lamp that's their (Custom Reef Spectrum was what it used to be called) with a UV in the Center instead of a While. I'm currently using it for my fuge, but could look into other options if someone was interested in getting it.
  16. I'll get on for a 50g quick crew $63.00
  17. Felt straight HEAT when I walked in the fish room. Says the chiller has gone out 3 times. Coral and fish look great! Battling Majanos but otherwise, looks good. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. 660 gallon tank. Lit by 20k halides, 3 years old. Maintained by Kingfish Aquariums. Looks like 8 x 4 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. I would be ok with you leaving them there.
  20. I can meet at Nikos but it might be closer to 8 before I get there. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. They were in qt so I'm ok. My lesson was learned a few months ago Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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