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Everything posted by KimP

  1. I would also use chemiclean to knock it all out, but make sure you address the root problem. Overfeeding, low flow, overstocking, etc are all possibilities. Just post if you need some help figuring out what the real problem might be.
  2. Sorry about that, it was picked up last night.
  3. Now I work my butt off at home raising a boy During and after school I worked for the Ag Extension Service doing plant pathology. Working for the govt, haha, but I had several close friends go to either TCEQ or private firms. Once I moved to Austin I was at the DSHS, also the govt, and I have to agree with victoly.
  4. Awesome, I majored in BESC at TAMU too! Definitely try to go with a consulting company. TCEQ doesn't pay squat compared to a private company and the work isn't as fun! Good luck!
  5. The reason I can think of to schedule ours separate from MAAST is to go to both It doesn't mean that MAAST members couldn't join ours.
  6. KimP


    Welcome to the club!
  7. I did get it through Mr Cob, from Wet Acrylic. They are splitting from Mr Cob, but I'm sure he can put you in touch with them.
  8. Sounds neat. It'd be great to meet you at the frag swap. Welcome to the club!
  9. 2 large pieces and a few small ones. Some are from when I set my tank up 4 yrs ago or so, the others have been in for around a year and came from another established tank. All covered in micro stars, feather dusters, pods, cuc, etc. Large rock 1: this rock is very holey and has 2 hawaiian feather dusters, tons of fairy dust palys, some orange bam bams, and other zoas. Also along one side are gsp. There are also some baby sun coral polyps from when my sun corals spawned. Size is approx: 15" x 10" x 5" 26lbs Fairly flat and rectangle-ish. Tons of places to stick plugs and corals. Large rock 2: really cool shape, no corals that I know of on it. Very rough estimate on size: 17" x 8" x 9" 24lbs $3/lb or $120 takes all of it
  10. KimP

    Gone - Emerald Crab

    I didn't even think of that. Great idea! I'll bring it with the mangroves.
  11. KimP

    Gone - Emerald Crab

    Just caught him in my live rock. There's nothing for him to eat in my picos (yay!! ) so he needs a new home. I'm way south and fairly flexible for pick up. I reserve the right to choose who it goes to, thanks!
  12. Okay, so I don't see any big downsides to a shallower tank. Other than having to get more led units and a larger footprint per gallon. Well, that ecotech glue and I don't get along so well. It does seem to hold faster than other glues, but I had a nearly impossible time getting it to stick to the rock. It makes a thick film immediately when it hits the water, then I could hardly get it to break open and glue to the rock. It was a mess. Then a few months after use, frags started falling. I just don't have luck with super glue! I'm not quite sure yet, still working on it.
  13. Awesome! I've been waiting and hoping you would carry this
  14. KimP

    Oh really...

    I'd love to see a picture of this!
  15. As I start to plan my next tank I find myself trying to avoid the things I disliked most about my previous tank. I keep coming back to the 30” depth. I had very poor luck with super glue and every time a frag fell it about brought me to tears. But I can sure beat anyone at the game Operation now! Especially if the game's underwater I lost several frags that way. Then I get to thinking I'm sure there are downsides to a shallow tank too. What is your experience, on either side?
  16. Thank you to all the nice comments and well wishes. Just about everything has found new homes. I've asked for a quote on a corner tank (keeping stoneroller's comment in mind). I'm also looking into cubes. Whatever I end up with, I'm leaning toward a shallower tank relative to height. Opposite of my column tank. Going to try and avoid the problems I hated the most about this tank. I'm looking forward to setting up a better system with all I've learned over the past few years. I'll start a new build thread for my picos when I get a chance.
  17. Lol, it's not Rob Cob, that'd be hilarious though! He's got a cute story about that name. Happy birthday Rob!
  18. I have this. It's a 20” though... http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/18129-20-ho-t5-fixture-wled-moonlights-aquatic-life-almost-new/page__hl__%2Baquatic+%2Blife__fromsearch__1
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