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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Sounds good to me. Thank you!
  2. No one has set a close date yet, this is still getting figured out
  3. Not to hijack, just wanted to say I had one unit on my column tank, 30” deep. I had high par on the sandbed. I can dig up my par readings if you like. I only had my unit running at 50% These things put out insane par! That's with the original pucks though, not the different ones for more spread.
  4. I got myself into trouble using api kits back when I first started. Getting a good test kit will save you a bunch of headaches. Have you tested your water by any other kit? You may not have any problem at all...
  5. I say go ahead and order. Put ARC group order in the notes. We need to figure out a closing date on the group buy and pick a shipping address. If needed I can pick up the south orders, depending on the day it's delivered. Or I can accept delivery and Drew can take the north orders to work. Whatever y'all decide! I don't mind driving north to grab the south stuff.
  6. Whoever handles the group buy needs to just send an email to John at reefcleaners to let him know we're doing a group buy first.
  7. mframe lives way south.
  8. Alright I stopped by this morning and the RedSea tank is gorgeous, even with only rock in it. The frag tanks look great too with lots of well priced corals. Not sure how I made it out without buying a few. There are some very nice blasto frags no one's allowed to buy until I see if I have room I also saw a cool medusa worm dragging a shrimp around on it's back, an orange seahorse, a leaf fish, and a bunch more.
  9. 1) mitch, mitch sengson, north, $30 2) George Monnat Jr, George Monnat, Jr., north $30-60 (far NW Austin) 60-90 3) sifuentes31, Gilbert Sifuentes, $20 dollars worth 80-110 4) Victoly , Ian Moede, $30, South 110-140 5) Nwehrmann - Nicole, $30, South 140-170 6) KimP, kim, around $20, way south
  10. I need a few things too KimP, kim, around $20, way south but can travel some Having done a few of these group buys, it's way easier to do a real group buy. Counting out hundreds of teeny snails and bunches of hermits is a pita. Plus things like chitons and limpets can't be removed from whatever they're attached to, so it doesn't always work to split them. Might be easier to just split shipping if there's enough people but not enough money. I'm cool with whatever though.
  11. Brian.srock won this drawing and gave the tank to me because he doesn't have room for it Patrick, I'll arrange pick up asap!
  12. KimP

    75g Reefer x3

    I don't know anything about refugium/sump creatures, but I am looking forward to a new fts. I kind of cringed when you said you had to tear your tank apart! Why did you take out your royal gramma?
  13. Wow! Congratulations! I'm so glad it's working out for you, and I'm not surprised one bit
  14. Great idea using a box to get your aquascaping the way you want it! That'll save you a lot of trouble later.
  15. Omg, I'm so glad I opened this thread! I couldn't believe you were actually selling it, lol! Awesome win
  16. I'm wondering about parking as well. Bring your own chairs, byob, sunscreen if you need it, bathing suit if planning on using the jacuzzi. An extension cord if you'll need power. I was told to contact Dave (dapettit) about food or drink needs. That's about all I know.
  17. I'm definitely interested in blastos and favias!
  18. I'll be bringing several small frags of tyree green polyped toadstool, and palau nepthea. Also a large mainly orange acan colony, a green & white smaller acan, and other lps. I'm really excited to see everyone!
  19. Lol, your post cracked me up! Thanks for your service first of all. I don't have anything clowns will host in, that I know of. I volunteer with Meals on Wheels and More. Tons of volunteer possibilities, way more than just delivering meals. No peeing on ppl, etc, so no worries I'm going out to Patrick's tomorrow, so I'll ask him about the dog. He's got a really gentle ol dog, but I'll ask if it gets along with other dogs.
  20. All of my professional life was spent as a microbiologist. Now I raise my human fry all day (and night ).
  21. I've almost always used it in a media bag in a hob filter and seems to work great. I got ”the bag” from seachem because the pieces of carbon are so small.
  22. This might not be what you're looking for, but I have a red finger gorgonian for sale.
  23. I can vouch for palys having their own toxin. I got tired of my blue/green ones growing on everything so I spent the other day removing them from the rock. Some of the rock I took out of the tank first, others I just had to use tweezers to get the palys off. I left the palys in a container in the tank overnight - cause I wanted to mount them - the next morning 1/2 of the sps I had in the tank had bleached. I put my hand in to move things around and the water stung! Not fun and Not cool. I did a bunch of water changes so things are settling back to normal now, but I lost at least one chalice and maybe my meteor shower The main distinction I've always made is in size. I think of palys as having a much larger disk. Is this incorrect? Running some good carbon would help too I would think, if you're not already. I hope things bounce right back for you!
  24. Had you already treated the tank with chemiclean?
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