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Everything posted by KimP

  1. KimP


    Looks more like a feather star, not a coral, idk. Pretty though!
  2. I have a frog fish and love it. If you don't want something that hides though, it might not be a good option. It's like playing where's waldo all day. Mine at least, changes the exact color of whatever it's on and hides up in the rock structure. I love it, except when it stays on the back of the rocks for days. Sometimes I'm looking strait at it and don't see it for a minute, pretty cool. But not if you want something active and that you can watch. I don't know if I just have a shy one, that's just my experience.
  3. Happy birthday! I hope you're having a great one!
  4. It is nearly impossible for me to leave the Dome spending less than 100 bucks. got some great coral though!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. AquaJohn


      see that RO/DI unit is cheep compared to buying at a LFS :)

    3. jaggedfire


      wont.....buy....anything...Oh! Look at the pretty frags!

    4. KimP


      Yeah those new cheap frag tanks got me. I got several new blastos, feather duster, a bigger blasto colony, couple little clove frags...it's better to stay out :)

  5. Sorry you lost part of the light, that's a bummer. The leather too. I'm surprised a leather didn't make it. If it was a devil's hand, I have several frags in mine I can share. What happened with the hydroids? How do you know you had a bloom of them? I don't know anything about hydroids so I'm curious... How big is the flatworm?
  6. I won one of the raffles where you could pick something out of the box. I got one of those extra long grabbers
  7. The AC refugium idea, or just using it to run media, is a very economical and good idea. I have an AC70 pretty new, no mods, a small cpr hot refugium still in the box, and a small fluval canister pretty new. If you're interested in any just pm me and we can discuss price.
  8. I've seen those before. They are beautiful. Do you have any small food like reef-roids or filter feeder food? Or see if they'll take cyclopeeze. Blowing off your rocks and stirring the sand near it will provide food too. Good luck with it!
  9. This looks amazing. Great job and inspiration for my lagoon!! What is that algae growing in the top corner of the right side?
  10. That's funny, I always think the same thing. Maybe we're just getting old
  11. Lol, I'm glad you found a goby for the shrimp Nice story telling.
  12. Great questions. I'm curious as well. You have your lagoon set up really well, I just brought mine home yesterday. I'll work on getting mine aquascaped soon. Did you look up any info on what lagoons are supposed to look like? I'm sure there are many ways to do it. After picking the lagoon up I realized how much money and time went into this tank. I'm still in a bit of disbelief that this was a give-away! Huge thanks to subsea and everyone who pitched in. It was very generous of you!
  13. I grew codium for years in my seahorse tank. That stuff grows no matter what. I had it growing in very low light, high light, always around 74 degrees or lower though I'm sure it'd prefer higher temps. It grew most during times when I slacked on tank maintenance of course. Great macro. Where did you get some? Which kind is it?
  14. Hey Mike, I might've had your bag of zig zags! Oops. I was wondering why I had 2 bags of them. I'll fish them out and get them to you. They're very cool little snails! John, my order was just fine. Barnacle was in perfect shape,almost everything I ordered started crawling away as soon as I put them in the tank. For the dwarf cerith, mine smelled terrible too (really terrible) but Victoly suggested rinsing them in saltwater, which I did a few times. Great advice because a whole bunch of them (most) seem to be up and moving at this point. The macros look great as well. I'm loving the zig zags and dwarf planaxis. Mine were in the water by 3:30 or 4
  15. Great idea! I'm definitely in. Wicking material preferred, cotton is fine. Sizes XXL, S, & 2T.
  16. I'm about to pm everyone left my address. Lmk if you don't get a message.
  17. crendon2003 is south. If you need it though, I can grab yours.
  18. I'm pretty sure I talked to the same guy. He seemed very excited about the changes he's made and the selection of fish he's bringing in. I certainly can't judge the fish since I still only know mainly about seahorses, but he had all the lights off since the fish were just new that day. I thought that was impressive. Also, I was buying a cheap damsel for my angler and he actually stopped to make sure I knew how aggressive they can be. That was a first! No one's ever even inquired about the conditions I was bringing a fish home to. Anyway, I was surprised.
  19. I was just there and saw that. I was surprised at the saltwater fish they are carrying. Frags too.
  20. I've ordered lps several times and some yumas recently. All of the colors look just like the pictures when put in my tank, much to my surprise. I expected they wouldn't be quite as colorful but they always are! I don't know where they get their stuff but they never disappoint, in my experience. I have leds on my tanks.
  21. FragsandMore was there. I got some nice pieces from him. Great guy! I've always been happy to get coral from him. He sure drove a while to get to the swap! I think the tank looks great too. I'm looking forward to seeing it all aquascaped!
  22. 25.49 10G Reef 28.90 victoly 28.32 sifuentes31 20.89 Drew Mendez WTR 47.49 mframe 44.36 George Monnat Jr 31.66 mitch 41.86 kimp 268.97 TOTAL
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