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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Shipping moved to Wed for delivery Thurs.
  2. By Monday evening sounds good. I can push shipping back a day too.
  3. Well, this isn't technically a real reef cleaners group buy. I would just be adding your items to my cart, then you can pay me back when you pick it up. Look at their website reefcleaners.org and let me know what you want.
  4. I already paid shipping. Overnight, so pretty much anything can be added.
  5. I just put in an order to reef cleaners and it's getting mailed Tuesday for overnight shipping. Posting here in case anybody wants to add anything. There's a pretty good sale going on this weekend.
  6. Wow, your tank looks great and so clean. Do you have any fish in there? The new additions are awesome, I love dendros!
  7. Thanks Teresa, that's good to know. I started only turning on 1 set of lights for a shorter photoperiod. There hasn't been any more die off, and what's left looks really good. Not sure if it's directly because of the reduced light, or if everything has settled in to the new arrangement and stabilized. It makes sense though that if there aren't enough nutrients in the water to be utilized by the plant, that having too much energy from the light, wouldn't work. Haha, I've never quite faced the trouble of having too clean of water before!
  8. What a great video! He sure is fast. I haven't had the patience yet to watch long enough and catch mine eating.
  9. You probably already know about this, but I figured I'd post anyway just in case. It's good info about live and frozen foods for predatory fish. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/volume_6/volume_6_1/thiaminase.htm
  10. There's some place downtown that recycles styrofoam. I'd have to look up the name. I wonder if any lfs would want them?
  11. Awesome! Are you target feeding them?
  12. Looking for 1 - 5 polyps, depending on size. Thanks!
  13. No problem at all with any other inhabitants. Fish, inverts, coral all look great. As far as the algae going sexual, I expected to have cloudy water and an increase in nitrates. Interesting! I had already put in an order for a few more macros before all this happened. I'll try a reduced photoperiod and possibly only run 2 of the 4 bulbs. I'm surprised that it's possible to have too much light on algae.
  14. I bought my first bag of them the other day and thought the exact same thing, lol. But I read the package and it says the fish are all frozen independently, then put it the bag. So it's easy to pop out one at a time even though they are all frozen.
  15. Oh man, that sucks. My two favorite corals. I don't have any advice, but I had something similar happen with a blasto. Can't remember what it fell into but it recovered well and didn't take too long. Obviously keep them apart, lol. Good luck!
  16. Welcome. I miss living in that area. I'm class of '03 and have been in Austin for a while. Anyway, welcome to the club!
  17. When I brought home the lagoon from subsea I gave it a pretty good cleaning, set up the rock how I wanted plus added a large rock from my big tank. I then attached the different types of macro around the tank how I wanted. Subsea had helped me sort it out as we were taking it apart, and put it in different bags to make this easy. It wasn't a long trip at all, so I don't see too much stress there. I did switch the lighting from the light fixture he was using on the tank to a T5 HO light I had in storage. I figured this way he can use the lights that were on it to set up a new lagoon. The fixture is 72 watts total. 2 10000K bulbs, one actinic, and one 6000K. Bulbs only a couple months old. I figured this would be plenty of light on a little 10 gal. I stuck a couple frags in there and they're all doing great. The macro almost immediately started turning clear and dissolving away. First to go was the ulva - type. That disappeared very fast. Now everything except the gracilaria is turning clear and dissolving away. The others are all caulerpa types. Parameters: NO3 = 0, NH3 = 0, PO4 = 0, SG = 1.025, Temp = approx 77 I have had some fluctuations in salinity. This thing evaporates at an almost ridiculous rate. I'm on top of it now. Maybe the NO3 and PO4 being 0 is the problem? It was doing great with subsea and I don't think I did THAT great of a job cleaning, lol!! That's all the details I can think of. Any ideas? Jaggedfire, if you see this, did you lose any macro after the move?
  18. I'll be there! I'm looking forward to hearing the speaker. And winning the raffle too...
  19. KimP

    Hello from Jared

    Welcome to the group! You should talk to subsea here on ARC, he's an extremely friendly and nice guy who is doing a bunch of aquaponics with fish like that.
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