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Everything posted by KimP

  1. I'm planning on placing an order next week or so. My lagoon has been flourishing for a long time now and I'm ready to add some more macros. Let me know if you're interested. I'm way south and can always meet at the Dome. live-plants.com
  2. Thanks for the info C&B.. Subsea, I'll definitely keep you in mind while I'm looking
  3. Up until recently we were going to camp at the coast for the meeting trip, so we didn't get reservations at the hotel. The camping deal isn't going to work out in time, so can anyone recommend a place to stay, hopefully close to all of the activities and a place we have a chance of getting reservations at? We've only ever camped down there. Price isn't a factor (to a point ) I realize we might be sol. Thanks! We'd be majorly bummed to miss it...
  4. Thanks mframe for the offer, I'll let you know. I used a credit card to get the front & sides cleaned, since then have been using a piece of magic eraser in my nimble nano. Both work perfectly. Thank you for the suggestions!
  5. The tank is looking great! It's nice to hear of someone recovering from algae like that. I never could get control of it in my tank, but I never used gfo or vodka dosing. Pretty cool! Can't wait to see that new tank set up!
  6. I've done it many times. I just used a nice sharp tool to make a clean cut without pinching the tissue, then left it alone and it healed over fairly fast. If you wanted you could always dip it. I never did. A funny thing happened one time where instead of resuming growth at that cut, it put out a branch at a 90 degree angle. That was one funny looking gorg It's pretty simple! Have fun!
  7. KimP

    Coral ID

    Yeah,a brain. Looks to me like platygyra. Nice!
  8. Thanks for the ideas! I'll try both.
  9. I have my first acrylic tank, a pico, and I can't seem to get the sides clean. I have a mag-float-type cleaner, a nibble nano, and it works amazing on my glass tanks but does little on the acrylic. I've tried a paper towel and that was a bust. Short of a razor blade I'm out of ideas. A razor blade isn't really an idea, but I'm going crazy not being able to see in well. It was already fairly scratched when I bought it, so my main concern is just cleaning the algae so I can see my frags. It's my frag tank so I'm not too concerned with scratches. What do you use?
  10. Thanks for the rastas!! They are so bright and opened right away. Very healthy frag at a great price. I'm so glad I finally decided to get some!!
  11. Oh and if you see him twitching, they do that closer to delivery time. It can be kind of alarming if you haven't seen it before.
  12. If he's not having any buoyancy issues and only his pouch is bigger, not his tail at all, and eating well, I would think he's pregnant. Raising fry, even the easiest fry, is a huge time-suck.
  13. Thanks for the info. That's exactly the kind I was looking for. We like to pack super light, but with 2 small kids that doesn't always work. What about parking? It just won't work for us to get there too early, is there a chance there won't be any parking? We're excited about tomorrow! See everyone there!
  14. Have you looked up the gestation for kuda? It's only 2 weeks for erectus. Fast! Of course it may be totally different, but the erectus males deliver at first light, so it makes it easier to catch them just prior to giving birth. You'll probably want the fry out of your tank whether you try to raise them or not.
  15. Awesome! I've only dealt with erectus fry. If he's not having any buoyancy issues, he probably is pregnant which is a great sign of a healthy herd way to go!
  16. As we plan for our Seaworld trip tomorrow, I'm getting a little nervous about what to bring and what to leave. We will be there with our 2.5 yr old and our 5.5yr old nephew. What might we want to bring? What isn't really necessary? We are just bringing our umbrella stroller and it has a pretty small basket. We could also bring a backpack. If those are allowed...guess I'll look that up next! Any btdt advice? This is our first trip!
  17. Mike, are there still 2 extra tickets available? We would love to stop by Elegant Reef after, I just can't rsvp for sure because the toddler might not last that long. If it's still on, and my son is doing well, we will definitely stop by.
  18. Wow, a huge thank you everyone! I might have someone lined up...
  19. Is anyone that knows me interested in coming over a few times while we're out of town to top-off and check up on my 3 nano tanks? I still haven't decided on an ato plan for them, which has left me in the situation of needing someone. Plus there's a lot of money and time invested in them to leave unattended for a week! Mostly just topping off, sometimes one teeny pump I use gets a snail in the impeller, occasionally a coral falls, typical reef stuff. Just PM me if you might be interested so we can discuss dates and pay. Thank you ARC!
  20. Check craigslist too. I got an excellent deal on one a few years ago. They're always up for sale. If she's just needing one to up her supply vs for use at work long term, you can just rent a hospital grade one. Cheaper than buying for short-term use.
  21. KimP

    First SW Build

    Welcome to the group! It's always exciting to set up a new system.
  22. Huge congrats! He's soooo cute! Way to go guys
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