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Everything posted by KimP

  1. KimP

    Macro at the coast

    I've always wanted to try scroll algae. Did the tubes end up to be feather dusters?
  2. Yeah those mangroves are crazy big! Never seen anyone have some do that well. Nice tank.
  3. KimP

    Sexual Repoduction

    That was informative, thanks for posting.
  4. Just bought c lo slice's tank. I'm so excited!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KimP


      Thanks! I don't have too much of an idea yet, besides using cerameco for the aquascaping and i want a mixed reef and fish. Plenty of planning to do!

    3. ckyuv


      Awesome! What kinda tank? a big one?

    4. KimP


      60 gal. Not huge but big enough to do some fun things with! It's got neat dimensions. 48” wide but only a foot front to back.

  5. Yay! I'm excited to come check out your tanks. I'm very interested in this topic as well. I'll be there!
  6. We had a magical time on the trip. It was the first time going with our son. We had a blast seeing him have so much fun and discover all the new things. Lol, he calls the beach "the sandbox" All of the coordinated events really helped us have a great time, not having to worry about meals, fun company, and a great trip to the aquarium to break up the heat of the day. Not to mention all the tank-talk! Thank you so much to the staff and subsea who worked so hard on the meals and bonfire. We had a blast! I'll try to post a couple pictures later. The t-shirts are a very soft dry-fit material and really comfortable! Get one!!
  7. Thank you for all the info, I could tell they had different requirements, just which ones needed which was confusing. I'm getting ready to glue them to the rocks around the tank, so this info is very useful. It cleared everything up quite a bit! I have 2 different palys that turned brown on me and I now have them in very low light. It'll be interesting to see how fast they can color back up...or how slow.
  8. That's amazing! What a pretty tank.
  9. hello port aransas!

    1. reefninja


      So jealous! Wish I was there, too.

  10. Hmmm, that's interesting. Any chance he had some fry while you were gone? What kind of corals do you have? Corals big enough to eat fry? I have a couple of ideas. I don't know how young he is, but the first few batches of fry can be really small. Maybe he had them and they got sucked into the filter and eaten by coral, other fish, etc. I've had that happen to me. I only knew it happened because the male was regular size and I finally spotted one fry a day later. Actually maybe that's my only idea. My other thought was his actions sound like he's trying to flirt with the female. Show her how awesome he is at birthing, how big his pouch can get, etc. The behaviors you describe are some that also happen during mating rituals. I don't know much though, especially about kudas. Have you posted this on seahorse.org? Certainly they would know what's going on. I'm so glad to hear he seems just fine and is eating! Sounds like you're doing an excellent job with them.
  11. Okay great! Thanks for all the info guys. We can't wait for Friday
  12. +1 what jaggedfire said. I'm glad you had fun and it was easy!
  13. Sorry if I repeat anything that's already been answered. This is a long thread! Are there enough people going to the aquarium for the discount? Do we prepay for the breakfast and bonfire cookout? I have 3 coming on the trip: 3 for breakfast Sat 1 for jetty collecting/fishing 2 for aquarium (1 of which is a toddler) 3 for the bonfire My husband would like to do any and all fishing and collecting he can, I don't know if I missed any plans in this thread We'd love to do breakfast Sunday, I don't know if that's happening or not. We're super excited to share in the fun!
  14. I've always liked them too. Those are beautiful!
  15. Did you go to work? I always put my male in another container/qt for the birth if I was saving the fry. I hope you didn't miss the whole thing, it's cool to see!
  16. Nice! I saw that frog fish last week and it's beautiful! For a frog fish Really though, the color is gorgeous. Wish I had a tank large enough!
  17. Yikes. How'd you catch that thing?
  18. Welcome to the club! That's exciting!
  19. They've gotta be one tough coral, especially to be NPS. I've had this LR for, geez, 2 or 3 years? Never knew about them until recently.
  20. I think you nailed it! Yay! I've been wondering what they are for months. How cool, now I can read more about them. It's definitely one of my favorites too. Thank you
  21. KimP

    New in Belterra

    Welcome to the club!
  22. Just curious if anyone knows what this is? It was a hitchhiker on some LR I bought for my ol 47gal seahorse tank. I never knew about it though until I broke it down. There was this big one looking nice and healthy, then several, maybe 5, smaller ones that look like the tissue is only half the size of the skeleton. I can tell right away they are NPS (which I love!), and the tentacles are identical to my dendros except the head/skeleton is much more oval and the tissue is blue and clearish. Also the skeleton is white vs orange on the dendro. I was able to cut this big one off the rock to put in my LPS tank. The rest I couldn't get off without damaging and they went with the rock into my frag tank. So this big one I started feeding with my dendro and the small ones in the frag tank rarely get fed, just when I feed the frags, there's no fish in there. A few weeks ago I notice this big one looked completely dead. No tissue to be seen, just a gleaming white skeleton. I was majorly bummed. I couldn't figure out how feeding it killed it when the small ones that rarely get fed are out 24/7 and happy Then this big one started peeking out about a week ago and has very slowly come out more and more each day. I finally got a chance to stare at my tank this evening, and guess what???? There are 3 huge baby heads around the big one I haven't been this excited about my tanks in a long time. I'm ecstatic!! One head is about half the size of the original and the other 2 are smaller. I know for sure they weren't there when I cut it off the rock because I examined them all very closely and barely managed to get under the skeleton of this one. Anyway that was long, but no one else would care or understand like yall Any idea what it is?
  23. I've recently decided to get back into keeping (or trying to keep) zoas and palys.. I never could keep them in my old tank. Anyway, I've been doing pretty good with them for a while but have some questions. How do you know if they aren't getting enough light? Do they stretch? Not open? Melt away? Seem normal, and just not grow? What might cause them to lose color and turn brown but open and otherwise look normal? What do they tend to do if the light is too bright? Thanks!
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