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Everything posted by KimP

  1. I'll take it. Sending pm.
  2. I think the cave looks neat, but another set up will probably look great too! One question though, are you thinking of only having one rock in there? That doesn't look like very much live rock. When I first started with seahorses I only had 3 very small rocks and tank did great, so I guess that won't be a problem
  3. Welcome to Texas and the club! I didn't find this club for years after setting up my first saltwater tank and wish I had found it right away. Definitely keep your eyes on the classifieds. By far the easiest on the wallet for frags and equipment! The meeting this month is on nano tanks and will be a fun one!!
  4. Welcome to the club! Yes, tell us about your tanks!
  5. I'd throw some carbon in just to be sure nothing is in the water.
  6. This might seem crazy, but you could borrow the club's acclimate fish trap. I'd be really surprised if they were cautious of something so big. Don't feed the tank for a while, then put some mysis in the trap.
  7. This might not matter at all, but I'm just curious if you run carbon?
  8. You've probably already taken care of it but I've got 2 sitting empty if needed. Sorry to hear about a leak, yikes.
  9. You could borrow the par meter available to the club. That's your best bet. If you have your T5 still, you can put that on your tank, measure par, then put back on the AI and see what % equals the par of your T5 at different levels. You can't trust your eyes at all comparing T5 to LED. The LEDs will end up being way too bright if your eyes think they look the same. If that makes sense.
  10. I use the bottle trick too. I just used a small water bottle so it'd fit in my nano. The peppermint shrimp just walk right in. took about 5 min to catch them both
  11. I don't know much about this kind of stuff, but since I have an AI Sol light, I tend to catch threads about them on various forums. This seems rather common actually. Happened to me when I switched. AIs are major par outputters (that's not a word, I don't think). Even starting at a low setting it was probably pretty bright. Bumping up every week can be too fast from what I hear. I don't know how much you bumped up every week of course. This is kind of a shot in the dark, but once you've ruled everything else out, try turning your light way down and see how things react through the weeks. Like *way* down, even to where you started out. When I moved my light to over my nano, I was shocked at how low I'm running the light and all of my corals are thriving. LEDs can sure fool the eye! Anyway, good luck figuring out what the problem could be. It's very frustrating to watch your corals recede.
  12. Do you have it listed on craigslist? Many more people looking for their first set up on there.
  13. Oh and until recently I kept an angler. That is one very awesome fish, perfect for a nano as long as you're pretty diligent with water changes. But seriously, a water change in a tiny tank takes about 2 minutes.
  14. Cool, I'll pm you closer to the meeting to make arrangements. I just have a bicolor blenny in one, the other is a fishless frag tank, and the lagoon has a damsel, and mollies - a big mama and several tiny babies. There are so many other options though, I'm just not into fish for my nanos. Much more into the coral. At the meeting Teresa is going to talk about several fish ideas for nanos. Should be a fantastic meeting!!
  15. That's a long time estimate. Where abouts are you located? I'm way south and would be happy to give you a ride if you're down this way. I have 3 small nanos. They are super easy to care for if you set them up right.
  16. Welcome to the club! Check out the classifieds, tons of stuff there. Ask lots of questions, this is a wonderful resource!
  17. Oh man, I looked at this thread already hungry. Now I'm starving!! That all sounds so good......
  18. What a story! I need a lost paypal account too. That's a lot of money to forget about The tank looks amazing, as always. Sounds like you made out well with the system you scored on craigslist!
  19. I use wire cutters, but for a big section it makes my hand sore by the end. The other suggestions are good too.
  20. I just read up on your build thread. You did a fantastic job on the tank, stand, and canopy! The black looks really good. I just finished making a bunch of diy screens. It's really easy. I have a ton of supplies left over if you want any.
  21. KimP

    Macro at the coast

    Here's some pictures of that critter pump that sucks out ghost shrimp, some roach looking thing, and apparently brittle stars. We only found ghost shrimp. It was so fun! You push this pump into the sand, pull back on the plunger, lift it out of the sand, and push the plunger down, squirting out the sand and water you sucked up. The critter will usually be there! Supposedly they are great bait.
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