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Everything posted by KimP

  1. KimP

    Sea Pigs

    Those are incredible and almost unbelievable. How amazing to see those in real life. Thanks for posting.
  2. That's a really nice tank. What size?
  3. Welcome to the club! That's funny about the clowns and your heater cord, silly fish, lol
  4. KimP

    Filter Feeders

    I enjoy nps corals too. I'm glad you have a camera now and are sharing pictures of yours! What's your feeding like? Besides stirring the sandbed? Anything?
  5. What are the dimensions of the 30 gal in the last pic?
  6. Not to derail the thread, but I'm curious why you don't like snails?
  7. Thanks everybody for all of the suggestions. I went with a custom steel stand. Strong and minimal since I need all the room I can get underneath. No ideas yet on the skin but I love the idea of magnetic panels. So will my toddler, lol! I'll figure the childproofing out later Next to figure out a sump idea...
  8. I don't know the name either but those are really nice! Have you tried browsing coralpedia? http://www.coralpedia.com/index.php?module=Gallery2&g2_itemId=15 It's just fun to browse even if you're not trying to find anything.
  9. I'm curious how your seahorses are doing. Is that male still looking good?
  10. We had a great time. It was so nice to see so many members! Thanks for hosting and letting us all ogle your tanks. Great presentation!
  11. I'm gonna be late too. Barely moving on I-35...
  12. That's what I've been searching for, 55 gal stands. Should be easy to find one, but I keep just finding ones that cost more than $500 (plus shipping) or are really cheap petco type stands with rather poor reviews and low weight limits. It's the ”good” 55 gal stands that I can't find or can't tell that I'm looking at one, if that makes sense. I found one from glasscages.com but it has a solid back and shipping is as much as the stand itself. I've never had a sump and never shopped for a stand before. I'm sure you can tell!
  13. This was actually the first idea I had, only I was looking at the premade steel stands. It appealed to me because this would leave the most interior room. All the ones I looked at online were cheap compared to wood and I ultimately ditched the idea because the weight limit was for a 55 gal, not a 65 (same footprint). Also, it's a really simple frame, is it really strong enough without any support in the middle? I was considering putting a wooden top, basically building a stand around the steel frame. Idk though. I'll look into having one custom made. This is the one I had been looking at: www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=9883&cmpid=03csent&ref=3665&subref=AA I really appreciate all the input. I'm itching to get this tank build started but I'm completely stalled on the stand. Keep the ideas coming!
  14. Okay, it's just my phone then. It takes me to a thread about macna corals from 2006!
  15. The link is going to the wrong thread for me.
  16. I love diy projects and am seriously considering building my own. I've been looking at several plans. Seems really easy and I have the tools for it. I just can't do any kind of painting myself, or anything else that has fumes, so I was trying to get around that. Getting some old furniture sounds like a good idea, but if I knocked out the back, wouldn't that take some of the support away? It could just be reinforced I bet. Hmmm, it's very tempting!
  17. KimP

    75G DT

    That sea apple is just incredible and looks great. What is that branching coral in front?
  18. I recently bought a tank and stand. Turns out after lots of trying different things, that this stand is not going to work for a sump, or even a canister filter, nothing. I need to at least be able to run some stuff under the tank, so I've been looking and looking for stands. I've never had a sump before so I have a few questions. How open does the back need to be? I can't drill the tank, so the tubing will be running down the back of the tank. Where is a good place to look with reasonable prices? I've found several stand with the right dimensions, but they don't hold enough weight, are really cheaply manufactured and would need work, or the shipping costs make the price too high. Feeling pretty lost! The tank is 48 1/4” x 12 3/4” It seems to be the footprint of a standard 55 gal but is taller and holds around 65 gallons. So it's heavier. Any advice?
  19. I was kinda sad to hear you were redoing your tank, but that looks great!!
  20. Some pvc sections for them to hide in?
  21. That sure is a beautiful anemone. Kinda painful to watch them slice it in half though!
  22. That is SO sad! I'm sorry that happened, it's such a good thing that you were right there and caught it. The aquascaping looked really great! I've been following your repair thread and it makes me nervous just looking at the work you have ahead of you. Good luck!
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