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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Sounds like it's time to set up another tank
  2. Wow Grim! Is that your rock!? That's one of my favorites.
  3. This was my experience exactly. Minus the Germany part
  4. I looked a lot back when I had a bunch of nps. I might have been looking for a different fauna marin product than you. I could only find it online.
  5. KimP

    Screen top

    No problem, this is interesting and certainly something to consider. That's a lot of water!
  6. Hey thanks! I'm enjoying the frag I got from you.
  7. Lol, you and me both. I've never had a sump before so I'm really clueless. Maybe the tube isn't exposed to air on either side when the flow stops? That's what it sounds like at least. You use an airline tube to establish the siphon with all pumps off, then pull the tube out. I've read all the material they sent but haven't had a chance to actually play with it yet. I got the silencer just so I'd have it if needed (they give all of your money back for it if you don't need it) and that contraption looks very interesting! I spent some time today reading the plumbing chapter of my reef book and I'm still not positive on what materials to use to hook it all up. The lifereef directions make it sound like you use vinyl tubing but I've only seen people using pvc. I've only seen underneath a couple tanks, so I know nothing. I also need to decide on a return pump. Big enough and quiet.
  8. KimP

    welso flow

    Same here. I don't have a picture but mine was happy out on the sandbed with decent flow.
  9. My lifereef order just arrived. I've rarely seen an order packaged so well, so I'm happy about that.
  10. KimP

    Screen top

    I was thinking of trying bird netting. I have some with pretty small squares left over from squirrel/bird-proofing the garden. You just make it the same as regular screen?
  11. Today I ordered a lifereef overflow and my stand was delivered. It was a good day!! Can't wait to get things set up.
  12. KimP

    Screen top

    Thanks for the offer mike. I actually have everything I need left over from another project, so I'm set. Just didn't know about the metal. I'm going to wait until the hob overflow comes because I'll have to take that and the return into account if I want it to sit flat.
  13. KimP

    Screen top

    Awesome, thank you! I have the white left over from another diy screen project
  14. KimP

    Screen top

    I've been considering making a screen top for my new tank. For those that have done this before, did you just use the metal framing? I was thinking it would rust.
  15. I would've been very angry too. Sorry that happened
  16. With that I'm sure we could make free shipping. I think it's a better deal to have one person order all the coral than to do a real group buy. We can't beat 15% unless a bunch more people join and spend a lot.
  17. I can't pass up an aqua sd buy. I'm in if we can hopefully make free shipping.
  18. Lol, oops, wet the lady bugs so they don't just fly away Good luck!
  19. I think everyone is having trouble by the sticky streets everywhere! Make sure to wet them down and release at night if you want them to stay on your tree
  20. Awesome! Glad you got her eating. Where'd you find live mysis?
  21. It's About Thyme, down on manchaca usually has some. I'd call first.
  22. I really like the changes you did to the tank and stand. Wow, that made a big difference! Great job.
  23. I love the stuff. I think it's why I was able to keep my seahorse tank water so clean and all corals happy in spite of all that food I dumped in every day. I use it in bare qt and it definitely helped keep the water clean. No doubt there. Plus it's super easy to recharge so I guess it could last forever. It turns brown when it's full and needs a recharge. I've only used the kind that comes in it's own bag. I've heard the loose stuff can get everywhere.
  24. So for a mud refugium, does that consist of a smaller amount of mud than a dsb? Then you just grow macro in it or above it?
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