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Everything posted by KimP

  1. I had one unit on a 47gal column tank, 18”x20”. The new tank I'm working on setting up is about 65gal, but has the same footprint as your tank, it's just taller. I bought another AI unit and plan on running the 2 longways (is that a word?) It looks like it'll give great spread. I actually like having brighter areas and dimmer areas, so I'll adjust the positioning a bit to achieve that. Are you considering the vegas at all? I've read a few people mention thinking the additional color options really do matter to coral growth and coloration. Just a thought if you can swing the extra cash and are buying new units anyway.
  2. I've been using an AI fixture for more than a year and love it. No need to worry about them not penetrating all the way to the bottom. Used to have mine over a 28” deep tank and got great par readings at the sandbed and didn't even ever have it all the way cranked up. There are many great led options out there though. I just want to throw in the natural moonlight cycles. AI does it and I've heard of others, possibly apex too (?). I'm convinced corals respond to this moonlight cycle, at least the lps I tend to keep. I wouldn't want to run lights without it anymore. Just something to look at as you consider all the options. Oh and the clouds & lightening are cool but I've only bothered to run them when I first got it and when people come over and want to see it. Cool, but definitely not worth extra money. You can just watch videos of it on youtube.
  3. That tank is looking really good!
  4. Welcome to the club! Lots of nano/pico keepers on here.
  5. I think they are great for running things like carbon when you don't have a sump. If you have a sump though, I don't see a use for them. I sure got use out of mine on my old sump-less tank!
  6. Thanks for sharing pictures of your tank. It looks very nice! What are you running in the canister filter? You could try putting some gfo or other phosphate reducing media in there.
  7. What an adventure you've already had! Welcome to the club. Aquadome is such a great store, not so much for my bank account though I'm there frequently.
  8. KimP

    Boston to Austin

    Welcome to the club!
  9. No problem that I see, but it would take a whole lot longer to mix the water than the huge pump I have thrown in there
  10. Just want to throw this out there. If I continually mix my water, the pump warms it up too much to use. So I get it mixed for 24hrs or so and turn of the pump to let it cool to room temp. It's not much warmer, but I like it to be the same temp.
  11. Lol, your whole place is a fish room Sounds like another neat tank! Love it!
  12. Welcome to the club! I'd love to hear about the saltwater tanks you've had set up in the past. I have a few nanos myself and I'm really enjoying them.
  13. Hi Jason, thank you for your service and welcome to the club!
  14. How did you manage to get in touch with him?
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