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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Unfortunately, no. I shut down my seahorse tank quite a while back. They were doing well when I sold them though.
  2. I'm excited to see what you have in the plans
  3. I sent you a pm so we don't hijack the thread.
  4. Oooh I have those too, and another with different colors. They do look great
  5. I think the club actually has one to loan out...I think anyway. Might want to pm Mike.
  6. My phone sent me to sympodium. Not pesky that I've noticed but it's isolated on the sandbed. Hasn't sent off any pieces yet like xenia can do.
  7. I have some and love it. Looks more blue from a distance and just like that picture close up, still looks great standing back looking at the whole tank. Fast grower too.
  8. I almost always pop the coral off the plug and super glue or epoxy the coral directly onto the rock.
  9. Okay, I'll just let it sit for a week or so and see what happens. A few heads were already kind of open before the lights went out. I hope I can get rid of the algae.
  10. It really does seem to be in the mat. Brian, do you mean leave the plug in peroxide the whole day? I only left it a few minutes. On this plug is the only place I have seen it, thank goodness. I hope it stays that way.
  11. I have a plug full of very nice palys that started growing a forest of bryopsis. I've pulled it off but of course it comes right back. Today I dipped it in full strength peroxide and only the polyps foamed, not the algae at all. I had pulled off all I could but some tiny pieces were on there still. Any other ideas? I've read others using peroxide to get rid of algae, is it normal for it to not react to the peroxide but the algae dies anyway?
  12. The light looks great and nice job on the canopy. I'm excited to see the other tank come together!!
  13. KimP


    Welcome to the club!
  14. Just ordered my 3gal pico. Can't wait to get it!

  15. KimP

    Smelly Tank

    If you make your own water, if the DI resin needs changing it can make the water smell pretty funky. I don't know if that'd make the whole tank smell though. Just a thought.
  16. +1 gorgeous tank full of the best stuff
  17. No problem, it takes a while to learn all the lingo.
  18. Pico is just for a small tank, smaller than a nano, usually like 5 or less gallons. Some people even call 2 gallons or less specs
  19. KimP


    Welcome to the club! That looks like a neat little set up you have going so far.
  20. Definitely +1 to what Bio said, plus lighting. In my experience, that macro especially needs a lot of light.
  21. I have one and I can't find it at least half the time. I don't know if it's shy or picky about flow since I move the mp10 around sometimes. Moving it seems to make it hide more or mostly brings it out for a while. In a big tank like yours though I'm sure they're not hiding from flow but just not hanging out in front.
  22. That's awesome! Very generous of RCA. Thank you RCA and Tunze!
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