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Everything posted by KimP

  1. KimP


    The bbs and pods stay alive in there swimming around for quite a while, so it's not like you have to put food in there every 2hrs.
  2. It's wet I have a little azoo filter running on it now, and even it is causing the sand to blow around. Didn't expect that. So I might rethink using the ac70 as a refugium. I don't know how low I can get the flow on that thing. We'll see!
  3. Yes, it's sort of strange how they skip sizes. Having a glass tank was a huge selling point. Most of the little tanks are acrylic, and acrylic and I do not get along. I can look at it and it scratches
  4. Well in my case right now nothing is broken. I want to just use my little azoo filter while I get the ac70 ready, which will be a while. Both are used and just sitting in my stash. Just curious if I start out with the azoo then switch to the ac70, if both count on my budget together. Like once something gets put on the tank, is it forever deducted? They're both very inexpensive, but I thought this might come up for others as well as people realize they need more or less flow, light, etc.
  5. Thanks everyone! It's not much yet, but it hopefully will be. Competition sure is tough already! I would've expected no less from this club
  6. KimP


    What a deal! Can't wait to see this set up. I just noticed you called it pico 3, lol!
  7. If we start out with one piece of equipment, say a hob filter, then later swap it out for another, do both get deducted from equipment, or does the cost get swapped?
  8. That sounds like a very interesting tank! Did you make them yourself?
  9. I have an ac70 and a little azoo filter in my fish closet, so one of them. Ideally I'd like to make the ac70 a refugium for this tank.
  10. Pico tank budget: Tank: $150 -$37 micro-reefs 3 gal =$113 slush Equipment: $150 + $113slush -$161 BML light + dimmer -$4 live sand -$10 azoo hob filter -$12 4# live rock -? Nimble Nano glass cleaner -$30 used AC70 -$10 rio mini sun all white fixture -$10 simple light timer ------------ $237 leaving $26 (hope I don't need anything else!) Coral budget $150 Watermelon zoa look alike? $10 Bam bams $15 King midas $15 Radioactive Dragon eyes $5 Tubbs blue (victoly) $20 Eye of rah $5 Dendro frag $20 Leptastrea $15 Toadstool $10 Chalice $5 Sympodium $5 Napthea $10 Blue cloves $5 Monti cap (ckyuv) free Birdsnest (ckyuv) free --------------------------- $135 leaving $15 *I had a terrible time finding fmv for the leptastrea so I put what I would ask for it. I'm open to change if I'm way off. I will keep this post updated as I go
  11. Here is the start of my entry. I have a lot more planning to do, as I don't have an idea for theme or stocking yet. I knew right away I wanted to try something smaller, even like a 1 gal but in the end I wanted 12" long for a light, so I went with the 3 gal. I really liked Micro-Reefs tanks especially because they come with a glass lid, are very reasonably priced, and are shallower than most. Then I researched various lighting options for a while. I had to go with something out of the box since I don't know how to do any of the diy lighting. I decided to go with a custom BML 12" fixture with a dimmer. It wasn't the cheapest option, but it was definitely a good price for all I got. I really wanted to include red and green and uv, and have the flexibility to use on other tanks down the road. Here's my official entry picture With the light on (when the tank is ready to cycle and in it's final position I'll have the light hung above it) All I have ready right now is the live sand, so I went ahead and weighed it and put it in. It's deeper than I like, but I'm going to leave it for now until I decide on what I'm going to stock the tank with. plus I will have water ready soon and then more planning to do. I would like to run an old AC70 I have and possibly slow the flow a bit and make it a refugium, but we'll see. fts February
  12. Wow, that's a great picture! And a very nice yuma.
  13. Neat! Welcome to the club. Meetings are really fun, so I hope you can make it Sounds like you're doing great with your tanks.
  14. I was wondering the same thing. We'll need something in the picture that shows the date, like the forum or something. Don't think many of us get the newspaper. I can hardly wait to set it up!
  15. What a great update! Your tank looks amazing. Glad things are doing so well for you, and glad to see you back on here!
  16. KimP

    Black live sand

    I just bought a bag of Hawaiian black live sand and only need a very small portion of it. Paid $36 for it, asking $20 obo for the remainder.
  17. I'm really excited too! My tank just got delivered Come on 15th!
  18. I've been waiting sooooo patiently too. It's been hard, especially recently. I have everything ready to go, except some plumbing, and the only thing holding me back - getting the stand skinned. I'm working with someone currently to get it done, so hopefully it won't be too much longer. Thanks for asking! It's great to see you back on here
  19. Happy birthday! I hope it's a great one!
  20. I have blue sympodium. And huge blue blastos, but don't have a clue how to frag those. Dendros are very big and bright orange!
  21. Welcome to the club! There should be a meeting coming up, maybe the third Sat in January? Details haven't been posted yet. Hopefully soon! Meetings are really fun and you can win lots of goodies and get all the tank advice you can handle.
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