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Everything posted by KimP

  1. It does reduce the flow, but only marginally. So I turned it to the right and lifted it to reduce the flow enough to stop the sand storm. And it's silent now
  2. I hooked up the AC70 last night, just as is, not ready to be a refugium yet. The flow is way too much, but I figured out of I just pull the intake tube up a bit, it reduces the flow and makes it run silent. It was kind of loud before. So the more I pull up on the intake tube, the more the flow is reduced, so this way I don't have to cut anything or buy a new impeller, and can change the flow easily whenever I want, less or more. In the next few days I'll get it ready to run as a refugium, probably with cheato since I already have a cheap little light to use on it. I'll also run chemipure or something like it. I'll update the budget tonight.
  3. I'm looking forward to pictures!
  4. What are you using to cycle it? Did you use live rock and/or sand?
  5. I have an 8 gal that is mostly lps and I love that tank! I think you'll be very happy with it
  6. Sea apples are gorgeous! I hope it does well for you, that's really cool.
  7. This is exactly in line with my thinking. Having the extra tank money available for equipment made sense to me because it's kind of the same category anyway. Having all the extra money go to whatever category is the same as not having separate budgets at all. But I'm open to what everyone really wants to do. The rules need to stay firm at some point soon though.
  8. If anyone was opposed to this, another idea would be to keep the tank & equipment budgets separate, and the coral & livestock separate.
  9. I'm indifferent on it, but definitely not opposed. It does allow for specializations in the different setups.
  10. I think it's a good idea to reward resourcefulness when someone goes to the trouble to dig out old equipment or find it used, even if it's in their budget to buy new. Which is sometimes less trouble!
  11. I don't mean to distract from the slush fund discussion, but I'm curious about using used equipment that we already own. I'm wanting to use a filter, glass cleaner, etc, that are well used from at least two other tanks I've had. How do I figure out what they're worth? I don't mind using the price they would be new, but I don't want to do that if I don't have to because it'll eat up my remaining equipment budget faster. It's everyone just using the current new price on used equipment?
  12. I have that little azoo filter on there now, but I keep reading about others having an ac70 on 3 gallon tanks. I'm going to get it out and give it a try next. I used to have one modded into a refugium with a cut impeller, and it was kind of loud. First I'm going to give replacing the impeller with one from a smaller model a try first.
  13. Here are the live rock weights: plus plus
  14. Yesterday I had some free time so I took the opportunity and came up with an aquascape and got the rock weighed and in the tank. I still don't have a theme or stocking idea yet, so the aquascape and sand level are still open to change. I can get things cycling now at least Shouldn't take too long since I used live sand and rock from another tank I've had. When I shut the tank down, I put the rock in a bucket with a powerhead and that's where it's been until now.
  15. I have those, never used so they're in brand new condition. You can have them free but I live way south. I can send a pic later.
  16. Sounds very interesting and suspenseful! I really like these tanks.
  17. Thanks for hosting Dave! I learned quite a bit from the presentation, especially about editing. It was great to see everyone!
  18. It doesn't sound like you have anything to worry about, but if you decide to cover your tank, you can make a very inexpensive screen lid.
  19. KimP


    I love that picture you have of the artemia swarming around the light. So cool! I'm sure your seahorse is enjoying it! He looks really happy
  20. Wow, what a deal! Glad you found something you like.
  21. Wow, that's very original! I can't wait to see what you do with it.
  22. Ckyuv 4 = rainbow raptors 5 = blue agave sorry for all the edits, tapatalk is being weird on my phone with the pictures...
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