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Everything posted by KimP

  1. She's really talented, those look amazing!
  2. That's a great looking tank.
  3. Those are very nice acans! I can't wait to see them in your tank.
  4. How's your goby doing? That's such a gorgeous fish!
  5. That does look great. It's very colorful so far!
  6. Red sea coral pro here too. Seems to be a good salt, the only complaint I can think of is it leaves much more sediment/debris/something on the pump, mixing container, and tubing than the other brands I've used. Doesn't seem to hurt anything though. I'm happy with it.
  7. I have an AI Sol unit I'm not using but it wouldn't have a controller, so it'd be on 100 percent. Also I know the club has a MH for people to borrow, pm Mike.
  8. Thanks! It would've been great to talk to you. Since there was only one person there I didn't know, I know who you are now, so I'll say hi next time
  9. Pictures would be a big help. Sounds like sponges though, which are a beneficial filter feeder.
  10. Here is my fts for February. A couple days ago I grabbed a striped hermit from my 8 gal and dropped him in here to see if he'd eat the gha. I figured since there is absolutely no other food he might go for it. Woke up the next morning and it's almost all gone! I'm so relieved. I was thinking I'd scrap all the rock and redo a similar arrangement with dead rock. There is still a little gha left, so I'll wait until he's done and let it sit a while before adding corals to make sure it doesn't come back. Hopefully with the gfo in the chemi-pure elite and water changes, the algae will be done. I also have the refugium up and running with cheato. Hopefully that'll help too. I'm getting anxious to put something interesting in here!
  11. A tang is a great idea! I'll just get a baby one and move it into a bigger tank I'm going to set up in the future!
  12. Thanks for hosting Mike! I had such a fun time, your tank is amazing, and the food spread sure hit the spot. It was great to see the steps taken to switch over tanks. That was sure an impressive upgrade!
  13. I don't think anyone should be out yet. I say as long as you're making some effort you're good! Some of these tanks are really cool because of all the extra work, and that's making them take longer to be wet. I think it's worth it.
  14. KimP


    Mine is the same too. Just curious because in the rules it states we're responsible for a fts every month for documentation.
  15. KimP


    Since today is the 15th, are we all supposed to post fts today for documentation?
  16. Wow, that looks amazing. Things are really coming along!
  17. I'll be there. Not sure about my husband and kid yet.
  18. That's what I was thinking. Doesn't the chemi-pure have some gfo in it? I thought I read that somewhere. I should find out for sure.
  19. Just a couple I guess. I found a hitchhiker stomatella in there a couple days ago. I'm thrilled about that!!! I have a ton in my 8 gal and they do an excellent job of keeping everything clean. He totally cleaned up any diatoms I was having. On the other hand though, I'm getting some gha starting to sprout up all over. Trying to not get frustrated with that. I knew this could be a problem using that old live rock I had. So I need to decide what I'm going to do about that. I put in a bag of chemi-pure elite last night and I'll start water changes too. I have been saving frags and I'm anxious to get them in, but when I worked on looking up fmv for them I realized the coral budget doesn't go very far! So no big changes, just regular tank cycling stuff.
  20. I have an 8gal cube that is impossible for me to scrape/clean the glass in some parts because of coral growth and even just the rock placement. What I've figured out that works perfectly is to use the nimble nano (I have an extra if you want one) with a slice of magic eraser between the glass and inside side of the nimble nano. If that makes sense. Keeps my hands out of the tank too. That's just for stubborn spots. Usually the nimble nano alone is great but sometimes I get lazy and go too long without cleaning the glass I'm certain this would work with any strong magnet glass cleaner.
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