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Everything posted by KimP

  1. I'm so sorry to read about your wreck and I'm glad you seem to be making a smooth recovery. That's amazing! Looks like your corals hung in there pretty well. The most recent pics are looking good! Just stick with the manual removal and water changes as you're able, and that'll go a long way no matter what else you do.
  2. KimP


    I sure do! If you still need some.
  3. KimP


    Cheato is a macro algae some people grow in their sumps because it uses nitrates and phosphates to grow and provides a nice home for beneficial things like micro brittle stars and pods. Then when you harvest the cheato you remove it and the nitrates and phosphates in it.
  4. Wow, that's impressive! And a bummer.
  5. A good thing to do if there's any chance you might have chlorine in your water is to keep some Prime or other dechlorinator handy. Just put a bit in any questionable water before adding and you're good. It's an easy way to be sure. Sorry you lost some coral, that's always such a bummer.
  6. KimP

    Floating Reef

    I've never seen anything like that, how interesting!
  7. It's been ages since I updated. I went ahead and just took some FTS tonight even though the tank's not in the shape I wish it was in. I'll never get pics if I keep waiting for the perfect time! I'm having some corals die off, but then others really start taking off. Strange but I'm trying to roll with it. My DC closed loop pump was out of commission for a couple months probably, and I just got it online again today. I've also had some big alk swings recently I'm getting on top of. Surprisingly it's lps I'm losing and the sps taking off. I'm baffled but maybe the lps just need more flow and the sps not as much as I thought? So now I suppose everything will change again in the coming months now that my pump is working and I've settled into the new groove [emoji12]
  8. KimP

    I'm here

    Welcome to the club!
  9. Thanks Peter! We'll see. Also, looking for all manner of substrate creatures to seed via a small rock and/or scoop of sand if anyone wants to oblige (I'll pay). If you've got some tube/feather worms attached to a little guy hit me up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk I can give you a little kit of sand creatures and tube worms. And welcome back!
  10. This was very helpful, thanks!!
  11. I need to replace some muffin fans in my sump area and also get one for my light fixture. Can anyone recommend a good place to buy them? The price varies so widely!
  12. Wow, I did not realize it's been so long since I updated! Nothing has changed except several generations have gone onto other homes. This setup has worked very well. So far they are really hardy, much more so than I expected in the beginning. The babies are not though. If they don't have a constant food source they'll disappear fast. The adults though can go a long time without food, surprisingly. That's all I have to add for now. With the weather cooling down I'm thinking more about moving them to the sump of my 150, but I'm not even doing a good job of keeping those temps stable without a heater. Maybe I'll be reporting on their cold hardiness next.
  13. That's so beautiful! How has it been to keep the glass clean? Have you done any water changes yet?
  14. KimP


    Sure, I'll pm you
  15. KimP


    No, I'm rarely ever north of 71
  16. My orders in. Thanks for organizing this!
  17. Hi KimP, Yes just place your order and select store pickup to avoid a shipping charge. In the checkout notes write that this order is for the ARC group buy. I will label all the bags so you know what's what and who's who I believe pickup is at rosslonghorns. I am hesitant to give out the address but I'm sure he will chime in shortly. Also today is the last day to take advantage of the 30% Black Friday coupon code so you might want to keep that in mind Thanks, Holly Fantastic! Thanks!
  18. KimP


    I need to pull out cheato again, does anyone need any?
  19. I'm glad this is running again! I was bummed I missed the last one. I'd like to get a few things. So I just place my order and put something about the group buy in the comments? Where is pick up?
  20. Wow, what a neat build! I'm glad you were able to fix the white balance so we can see what it really looks like in there. Very cool. I wonder if you can get a tiny glass cleaner, then put a slice of magic eraser against the inside on the magnet? That's what I would try. I have a couple really small nano glass cleaners if you want to try one.
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