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Everything posted by KimP

  1. KimP

    Hi from GTown

    Welcome to the club! I didn't know about it for a couple years either. It's so much more interesting and fun to be part of the club!
  2. I'm in if I can pick up somewhere south-ish. Tuesday delivery is good for me.
  3. What size tank is that, it looks great! Where did you get the cerameco?
  4. KimP


    It's the birdsnest in the middle. On top is a green polyped toadstool.
  5. Just in case it wasn't clear, you can use the super glue under water, you don't have to pull the rock out, although that is easier! Just glob it on the coral, plug, whatever, then put it under water and hold in place, wherever you want it, until it holds.
  6. Can you post dimensions for the sump? Never mind, I'll check the link! PM sent.
  7. Yes, very frustrating. People all do something different. A lot (including myself) pop the coral off of the frag plug and super glue the coral to the rock. Others drill holes the size of the stem of the plug into the rock so they are more secure. Some just glue the plug wherever. I find the plug to be a source of pest algae and they look so unnatural. That's just me though!
  8. Awesome job on the light. Then I saw it next to the tank and realized again how teeny tiny the tank is, wow! Can't wait to see it stocked!
  9. Hey Tim, I read in another post you wrote about having the pump that's hooked up to the sterilizer near the bottom of the dt on one end and the flow out from it on the other side of the dt. Does this mean I have to have the sterilizer mounted/hanging behind the tank, or can I have it under?
  10. Thank you everyone for the responses! I was actually looking at that aquastep one, so I'm extra glad I asked! I'll look into the ultralife.
  11. I'm planning on buying a sterilizer for the 90gal I'm putting together. I went to pick one out and realized quickly I have no idea which brand is better than others. I don't want to spend a fortune unnecessarily but I also don't want something cheap that will be less than effective and/or break easily. This is for the treatment/prevention of ick. Thanks!
  12. I'd love to see pics!
  13. LOL! Gotta love autocorrect!
  14. That really sucks. Any chance you paid by credit card and can dispute it? That's very disappointing to hear.
  15. Thanks! That's why I like it too.
  16. That dendro picture is upside down. Weird. It's inside the cave of the rock with all the zoas on it.
  17. I've been waiting for the fts to be due to post updates, mostly to see if things were going to survive. Everything is looking really good so far and only the sps and one eye of rah are very recent additions. The others have been in there for almost a month and are showing growth. Maintenance has been a breeze, just a little water change about every week and top off at some point every day. I'm running the light over the hob filter at night and off during the day when the dt light is on.The stomatella and stripped hermit keep things really clean. There is a piece of gha in the back corner on the napthea that I'm leaving for the hermit to eat. Every once in a while I put in a tiny bit of food for the coral and cuc. Plus it adds some food for the cheato in the fuge. There is a tiny dendro I put in the cave. The skeleton got shattered when I fragged it so I was really concerned it would die. After about a week it started extending it's polyps out enough for me to feed it. I feed it a pellet or 2 every other day or so. It extends fully now, maybe more than when it was on the mother dendro! Okay here are the pictures...the dendro wasn't open until lights out so it's an ugly flash pic for now...
  18. I can bring one to the meeting tomorrow if you want.
  19. KimP


    Here's mine. A whole lot has been added the past month. Tonight I'll get my thread updated with the budget.
  20. Husband and I will be there, most likely with our 3yr old.
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