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Everything posted by KimP

  1. The display area is 13.5"long x 10.5" wide x 12"tall. The whole thing is 13.5"x13.5"x12"tall
  2. It's mostly .5" birch ply and a piece or 2 of .5" pine. It was harder than I thought to find the birch but it sure looks better than the pine! With the paint though it doesn't seem to matter.
  3. This one has a plastic center brace. I guess I'll just have to try one out in the middle and see what happens. It's not a very wide brace. Are you using the AI controller or another controller?
  4. Bump for a great little nano
  5. Here are some pictures from the stand build. I am very limited with the tools I have, basically a miter saw, drill, and jigsaw are really all I have, so I did what I could with those. I did a lot of sanding to make up for the lack of proper tools. For making the doors, all I was able to do is just put some trim around each door. It's simple but should look fine. I also decided not to put any trim on the stand and keep it simple too. I'm already pushing the length of the stand and without any trim is 1" longer than the wall it sits against. Didn't want it sticking out any more. Besides, if someone is looking in that much detail at my stand, then I know I need to work harder on the tank I have 2x6s on the front to eliminate the center brace, the back has 2 sections cut out for air flow, and it's probably way overbuilt which really eats up the space down below but having a solid stand is a higher priority for me. The stand is painted in marine top side in black. *I had a bit of a fail with the bottom. I had put it off until last because it needed a bunch of little cuts. When I went to put it in, it was too big to fit in any of the available openings. I had to cut it in half. So to anyone building a stand in the future, do the bottom piece before the end...
  6. This build has been around 8 months in the making. Started as a 65g build but couldn't get the steel stand skinned, then turned into a 75g build for about a week, and now has turned into a 90gal build with a stand I built myself and I'm definitely sticking with this setup! Even though it took ages to get to this point I'm really happy I decided to go with a larger tank and it fits the space well. My goal for this tank is to put it together right from the beginning. Get the equipment I want to be using way down the road now instead of piecing it together and regretting it and wasting money along the way upgrading. The goal for the contents of the tank is mainly fish for my sons to enjoy. As much as I prefer coral, my 3yr old just isn't too impressed if it's not a fish or critter moving around. I'm setting up lighting and flow for coral too, of course! 90 gal tank purchased new from the Dome wooden diy stand (built with a ton of help & advice from SChrisEV and ckyuv - I couldn't have done it without you guys!!) sump tbd - working with Bio3 on this lighting - 4 kessil a360n flow - Tunze 6055 & 6095, I have a nano wavebox but haven't decided for sure to use or not return - mag 9.5 UV sterilizer - Ultra Life 16w rock - BRS various dry rock, Cerameco pieces, and LR sand - Caribsea Fiji Pink skimmer - Tunze 9006 Plumbing - - need lots of help here Apex Lite with accessories ordered with a ton of advice from victoly - Thank you! I don't have much going on with it as of today, I've just recently collected just about all the stuff I need for the build (minus the sump). So soon comes the fun part of aquascaping, plumbing, and getting it wet! Soon I'll be starting a thread asking for stocking advice. I don't know much about fish other than keeping seahorses. I also need advice on the plumbing after I get the sump figured out. Any comments or advice on the equipment list are appreciated. This is the first tank bigger than a nano that I've set up. Pics of stand build and tank to come...
  7. lol! That's funny, it happens to me too. Get my hands in there to do one thing really quick, then since I'm already at it anyway.... you'll have to post a new pic when it clears up
  8. What would you use the hang on filters or canister for?
  9. They definitely have the 350, idk about the 360. Call them.
  10. Great spot for that tank! I don't have any advice for the shelf but I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with it. <br />
  11. Bige can also build a great steel stand.
  12. I have a 65 with steel stand. The footprint is the same as a 55, except a couple inches taller.<br />
  13. I had planned on doing just this. I was just going to lengthen the tube leading from the powerhead to the skimmer so that the powerhead is under water. How far under doesn't make any difference to the kind I have (remora).<br />
  14. I have one you can borrow but I'm way south, off of slaughter.<br />
  15. Sorry to hear about your betta <br />
  16. Is there somewhere the times for the different speakers and events are listed? What time it starts? I haven't been able to find it. <br />
  17. Welcome to the club. Those are some great shots. Sounds like you're running 2 good systems. I love the zoa garden!
  18. <br /><br />That's nice of you Yes, I'm definitely going to start one because I'll need a lot of help! It's coming really soon..<br />
  19. <br /><br />What difference did you notice when you stopped running your UV?<br /><br />
  20. Lol, thanks! Yes I'm going to wait on fragging this one and let it grow
  21. Looks like things are doing great considering! <br />
  22. Lol! That's one name we actually forgot to put on our list
  23. We finally met face to face with the catch we brought back from the coast trip, just in time for C4 He is our ARC baby. I had him this past Fri at 37 weeks, 8lbs 1oz, 20in. Samuel Martin. We're both doing great!
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