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Everything posted by KimP

  1. KimP

    Fluval Spec-V

    Yeah that's weird it took so long. Mine happened pretty much right away and the stomatella I have in there ate it all practically overnight. I haven't seen any since. I have a bunch of stomatella in my 8gal if you need one.
  2. Thanks,I think so too. It's gotta be the uv or something with that bml fixture. I have several of those frags in my tanks and none have ever looked that good!
  3. Lol..tribble with mange...yes that's a leptastrea frag, one of my fav corals. I need to get some other colors of it.
  4. I took some pictures of the corals in here the other day. Everything is still looking good and growing. The birdsnest is growing but still hasn't regained its bright green color dendro little chalice frag recovering well and next to it a stomatella doing an excellent job keeping the tank clean leptastrea blue cloves really starting to spread (hope I dont regret adding them) and blue sympodium tyree green polyped toadstool with it's polyps out and the red monti cap with all the new growth palau nepthea
  5. Yay! I'm glad to see your build thread started. A couple things popped out at me first. One thing is the rodi waste issue. I have mine hooked up to the washing machine and it's mounted on the wall next to it. I just run the "waste"water into the washer and use it to do laundry. No waste. The other thing is a cover. I have plenty of screen top materials to make a cover. I have the clear mesh from brs. I can make you one really quick if you don't want to diy. It's very easy! The only thing is you have a rimless tank so you'd need tabs siliconed in the corners for a lid to rest on. It'll mess up the rimless look a little. Something to think about if you want to keep fish that tend to jump. I don't know anything about making a glass top for a rimless tank.
  6. That vega sure makes the tank look nice. I really love the rocks you have in there, the aquascaping makes some great caves and the rocks look really porous.
  7. That looks great. You sure got some great pictures of your corals!
  8. KimP

    Screen top

    Great ideas, thanks. If I do notches, then I'll have to notch both the tank frame and screen frame, I hadn't thought of cutting both. The tank frame is wide enough that I'd have to cut completely through the screen frame for the cord to fit. I also like the idea of making them a little shorter so I have the flexibility of moving the powerheads if needed down the line.
  9. KimP

    Screen top

    I'm working on making these screen tops for my 90 gal. I built the 2 frames and am going to spray paint them black before putting in the mesh. Anyway, I'm stuck because I realized I will have 2 cords going into the tank from the 2 powerheads. Any ideas what to do about them? If I run them through the mesh, the tops won't be fully removable, if that makes sense. If I set the tops on top of the cords, the tops sit way high and won't be effective keeping in jumpers. Plus it looks dumb. Ideas?
  10. Actually I have more builds going on. In addition to these 3, I have a 185g that is being built into my wall. A lot of progress has been made. Won't be much longer for this 1. I always have scheduling conflicts due to me working nights with ct67stang who is building this. After Wed., that won't be a problem anymore. My wife also fell in love with the 40g that I was using to house my livestock in during the builds, so I let her have her wish to keep it. Didn't really want another tank; but my wife puts up with a lot, so I decided to make her happy and make it anemone and clownfish tank. This is already in progress as well. Currently housing some fish and anemones in a 20g that will get transferred over. I will be getting rid of all the current clowns that I have, and moving to different types. Haven't decided which 1's yet. I'll try to post some pics of this 1 tonight. I also have a 75g full of liverock that is curing in the garage, and another 75g that I believe I'm going to turn into a freshwater or frag tank. Not sure yet. I have a 29g that I plan on turning into a QT tank. Got a really nice stand for it last week that has a few scratches. Plan on sanding it down and repainting it. I've also been setting up fully stocked tanks for a few people. I setup up a 55g with liverocks and corals for my dad. I'm in the process of setting up a 46g for a coworker of mine. He is redoing the stand to his desires, so I'm waiting on that. Currently housing clowns, yellow watchman goby, and a beautiful angel that I got from mrshall1027 for him. I'm setting up a 55g freshwater for a coworker as well. This shouldn't be too hard. I pretty much let this hobby consume my life. I went over a month without watching any TV/movies/sports/video games. I would get off, and jump straight on the projects and center my whole weekends to it. That is insane for me, because I'm a huge junkie on all the stuff I mentioned. I missed march madness entirely, which I usually take off work for. Just seeing the satisfaction of people that I'm setting up these tanks for, along my own satisfaction has been so rewarding. I've never felt this way about a hobby. Making extra $ has been really cool too, and helps me achieve what I want in my builds. I don't know what you do for a living, but it sounds like you're on the track to start a setup/maintenance business!
  11. I never had any trouble keeping my seahorse tanks cool without a chiller either. The tank looks great, I bet they're very happy in there. You've sure done a great job with them!!
  12. KimP

    BRS group buy

    I'll take the last gfo.
  13. Welcome to the club!
  14. Wow! Good thing my little tanks are full or I'd be in trouble...
  15. Now I have the durso standpipe and the return in, but only the part in the tank, nothing is figured out yet for below. I've also been talking to Nick at BML about a 48" fixture to supplement the missing colors in the AI Sols I'm going to be using. I was lucky enough to win the 24" BML fixture at C4, so they are going to let me roll that into a 48" one and pay the difference. Today I have a little free time and will be trying to come up with an aquascape.
  16. Thanks! I like it there too but just recently I've wondered what it'll do when it gets bigger/wider than that little cave. I actually got the dendro it came from from aqua sd maybe 2yrs ago. That original dendro from them has grown many new ones. Mine are all food hogs too. That's why I like them. So much easier to feed than sun coral.
  17. Lol! I think this is crazy too. And kinda gross...
  18. Always nice to finally see a good amount of life in a new tank. We were looking at pods and some nematodes on the glass with a cheap 10X photo loupe last week. Pretty amazing looking at them up close if you have a loupe or a magnifying glass. I do actually, great idea! I've been seeing something that looked like nematodes crawling on the glass but figured they must be baby bristle worms. Are there really nematodes in sw tanks? I only know of them in soil.
  19. I just saw some pods running around in this tank Yay!
  20. KimP


    That's looking really good! Is that dragon's breath growing in there?
  21. Thank you! There are some reddish ones I don't know what they are called, then some orange bam bams.
  22. I think the acans look great in there! Sucks about the fish though :/
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