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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Okay here's a shot of the improvements. Some corals are closed up because this was right after I was done messing with them.
  2. Lol, that's right! I'm working on getting a picture but the tank is directly across from a big window and there's a ton of glare. I might have to wait until tonight.
  3. A little update. The sump is currently being built. All of the things I need for the tank are here as of today. I finally got a good chunk of time to do my aquascape this past weekend. It didn't turn out anything like I had in mind! I really like it though! I wanted to use all the cerameco pieces I've gathered, so with them being my first priority, it made a very different scape then I could've imagined. I might still move some things around but this is good enough to get things cycling. The rest is all live rock and I only had room for one brs dry rock. I just tested ammonia and it's zero. I might test nitrate later today, but I'm going to throw a shrimp in there and just see if I can get some ammonia. No rush. I'm also considering different lights... Hopefully I can talk my husband into playing around with the apex system tonight. He's got a lot to learn
  4. What a unique tank, I agree with others that it's very well done and clean.
  5. Oh I have plenty more grape caulerpa in my lagoon tank. I like it too but not when it's choking out zoas. The leptastrea is doing fantastic! Growing slowly but steady. I hope the orange does well in there. Gotta get a pic...
  6. I had a chance to do some maintenance this morning. I reglued the leptastrea and birdsnest that fell, removed some grape caulerpa looking algae growing by the zoas, and glued the new orange leptastrea on the rock. I'm really liking how it's coming along, especially with the new leptastrea. It filled in a big blank area nicely. I'll update my budget and pics soon. I went to clean up the refugium but realized the cheato is exactly the same. I guess there's just enough nutrients to keep it alive but not growing. Maybe it needs a brighter light, since that other macro popped up in the display, I don't know.
  7. Nice additions! That orange mushroom is amazing! That and the green acans sure pop out in the pictures, wow. I'm interested to see how the sps do in there. What are you using for flow?
  8. KimP

    Little critters

    You got it! What all would you like? Just whatever I can grab?
  9. KimP

    Little critters

    I was looking at my tank a little bit ago and saw a micro brittle star on the glass, so I hurried and grabbed him. I know people frequently look for them. I can also pull out some stomatellas since I've had a big explosion of them lately (they are awesome!) Some limpets too if you want. Must pick up soon near slaughter/Brodie/manchaca area.
  10. Looking good! I love all the diy stands.
  11. The tyree green polyped toadstool is very cool. I might need to find one of those. Great job on this tank! Let me know if you come down this way again and I'll give you one. I have a couple extra sitting in the frag tank
  12. That sure is a pretty fish! I'm glad he's working out well so far.
  13. Happy birthday! I hope you have a great day!
  14. Great job! It looks really nice. I like the stain!
  15. Nice! If you ever want to trade frags let me know. I have this one and I just got some orange. This is one of my favorite corals.
  16. It's kind of a purple blue. Silvery-ish. I don't know what to call it Maybe lavender?
  17. That looks so good! I'm glad to see an update on your tank. Sorry the top part didn't work out, the idea was cool!
  18. KimP

    WTB 30gal tank

    Awesome! I'll pm you
  19. KimP

    WTB 30gal tank

    A sump hopefully
  20. Let me know what you have.
  21. Most of mine like really low light and not so clean water. What conditions do you keep them in?
  22. That's one big pile of snails!
  23. It depends what fish you have. There are some pretty cool fish and coral you can keep in a tank that cold.
  24. Welcome to the club, beautiful tank! Where do you have the sump?
  25. Welcome to the club. That's a great looking tank you have!
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