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Everything posted by KimP

  1. I've been reading up on these, thanks for the suggestion. Where did you get yours? Do you like having them as a pair (if you still have them)? I'm thinking I'll need to add some more rock.
  2. Budget definitely matters. I have 2 AIs for sale with controller and they do lightening storms, not sure about cloud cover tho. But you'd need to find more units than just 2 to add to them. They definitely have the par to grow corals. I think radions do all that too.
  3. KimP


    That macro sure took off! Do you have it attached to the rock, weighed down somehow, or it just stays there?
  4. Well I went ahead and got rid of all my fish so I can start planning with a clean slate. I haven't had much time to research fish except for eels, I'm pretty much sold on one! The tank does seem to be perfect for one. I was just reading up on ribbon eels. They are so beautiful but too bad they don't seem to do well in captivity. I'll probably stick with snowflake eels as suggested.
  5. KimP


    Everyone's tank is looking really good and colorful!
  6. What an amazing idea! If you could have a little stool in the middle to sit on, you could go rest in there and totally escape. Sounds very relaxing being surrounded by your aquarium I've seen one similar either at the Albuquerque or Corpus aquarium, can't remember which.
  7. 2 AI units plus controller for sale $600 One unit has about a year of moderate use, the other has the same plus I used it over a nano tank for an additional year but it only ran at 5-10 percent the whole time. They both have green circuit boards, I think that makes them first generation, not positive though. They run perfectly and in my years of having them they always run very cool.
  8. I don't know anything about them, but he looks really neat! You have an interesting tank.
  9. KimP

    Live rock

    One larger rock and several smaller rocks. Probably several cuc in and on the rock, tons of pods.
  10. KimP


    I have a bucket of various macros, cheato and assorted caulerpas. It's crawling with pods and probably several cuc, snails, hermits, etc.
  11. That's cool about the controller! I'm interested in how the upgrade goes.
  12. All the fish are gone except the damsel. I'll have it ready for you on Mon
  13. Free, might have some various caulerpas attached. Approx 4x5"
  14. 2 small clarkii clowns, captive bred blue damsel and bangaii cardinal that I've had for approx 9 months. They've been in the same tank together this whole time. Not that they like each other necessarily, but in case it matters to someone, they get along.
  15. KimP

    lobos & blastos

    The bigger one is approx 3"diameter
  16. Yikes, thank you for the heads up on the clowns.
  17. KimP

    lobos & blastos

    All sold Selling some coral from my 8gal. I've recently had a gha outbreak for the first time in this tank, so I'm going to go ahead and sell off some coral before it spreads (hopefully it won't). I have the corals moved onto a frag rack to prevent the gha from getting on it. Just ask for better pics if you need one, I never seem to get very good ones. Pick up in south Austin near Slaughter/Manchaca, cash or paypal, everything is OBO Sold $30 large bright green lobo. I've had this one for at least 2yrs. Sold $10 bright green lobo always has feeding tentacles out. Has some gha starting on the skeleton. I've had this for at least 2 years. Sold $10 these blastos are a little bleached and have some gha on it. They are gorgeous when fully colored up. They just need some shade. Sold $50 Big blue blastos. At least 10 heads and grows steadily. Always happy and open, very hardy. Been in a couple of my tanks over the past couple years. I've never seen any other blue blastos like them. Sold $15 5 heads Sold $25 grows fast, always dropping frags Sold $25 a whole ball of blastos, typical red and green ones. They're on a long branch, maybe a few inches long. I had moved the rack so it's just starting to open back up in this picture. Sold$15 several heads. These are bright green in the center with a tan border. These have been with me forever and have been very hardy but they haven't been so thrilled with the gha outbreak, so I priced them lower. Sold$20 really beautiful blastos, several heads open up nice and big. Maroon border with really neat center. These absolutely glow under blue lights. Sold$10 blue sympodium
  18. Your tank is still looking great!
  19. Can you explain this better? What do you mean by other species?
  20. I've been waiting to see if anyone had a feeling one way or the other on the clarkii's. I don't usually read good things about clowns but if they'll work with the other things I decide to have then I'll keep them. Do clowns usually get added first or last? Does it depend on the other tank mates? Anyone have feelings on the cardinal? The cardinal and damsel are in a tank together and the damsel is always hiding. I don't know if it's just a shy fish or if the cardinal keeps it in its place.
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