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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Oh no! That sucks. I hope you get it running again with what's left, it's such a neat tank.
  2. I like the colors on that! How are you liking the new lights? Has everything adjusted well?
  3. Thanks, I looked over there but didn't see the thread.
  4. be careful on these, someone posted on maast recently that they had rust internally after 6 months use. They posted pics of it on MAAST. On the turbo twist or ultralife?
  5. I went with an Ultralife 16w from Premium Aquatics. Just today I got the last of what I need to finish the tank build, so it's still sitting in the box. It's been a slow build...
  6. Fish Gallery just posted on fb June 4th opening
  7. I don't know about the crab, I just wanted to say thanks for posting an update! I've been wondering how your tank was coming along. Don't forget to post pics later!
  8. I can give you some sand full of spaghetti worms and such.
  9. I've really enjoyed all the pictures. Things have sure come along!
  10. Yes of course, brittle star! He'd love that. So I'm having trouble finding out where each of these fish like to be. Am I picking out all bottom dwellers? All fish that wanna be at the top? Can anyone chime in on where these fish like to hang out? Or where I can find that info out.
  11. Can anyone recommend the order these fish should be added?
  12. Congratulations! Happy birthday Bradley!
  13. Very interesting! I've always heard to have low flow but wondered about cyano problems, etc.
  14. I've been using rscp for a long time and have been happy with it. There are several salt discussions if you search the forum. I wouldn't worry too much about flow, there's no trick you just want water moving around the tank with no dead spots. Do you have 2 powerheads?
  15. Awesome! I'm just going to have to make the drive up there and check it out!
  16. I was thinking June 15th, glad you posted a reminder!
  17. Alright here are fish I'm interested in so far. Feel free to pick it apart and let me know what'll work together, and I don't want to overstock. I do want some kind of fish in multiples rather than only a single one of several types. My tank is still cycling so I can change anything at this point to accommodate fish I want. Definitely: 2 golden dwarf moreys Maybe: Purple firefish Flasher wrasse group Tassel filefish Kole tang Royal gramma Pearl jawfish barnacle blenny (I do have a ton of barnacles!) Goby/shrimp pair
  18. KimP

    Is this cyano?

    Be prepared for your skimmer to go crazy! I think you're not supposed to run it until after the 48hrs. Maybe you can just throw in an airline? At least point a powerhead at the surface?
  19. KimP

    Is this cyano?

    It probably means 8 cups, but I think the point is just to dissolve it all before adding. Also, are you accounting for the displacement from your rocks?
  20. KimP

    Bpb's 55

    Sounds like a good plan. I want to add some rock and re-aquascape mine as well. Those reds sure pop in the fts!
  21. KimP

    Bpb's 55

    Nice collection of corals and great shots of them and your fish. Looks like you're doing a great job! Do you have a shot of the entire tank?
  22. KimP


    Not right now, no one came for it so it all got tossed already. There are a bunch of members on here that give it away though!
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