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Everything posted by KimP

  1. I wish :/ It's very warm in here to say the least. We have someone scheduled for tomorrow afternoon "sometime". My husband is unpacking a window unit right now to help out a little. I have a fan and that ato on my pico and it's held steady at 80.5. Guess that'll have to do!
  2. Cool! This is where I am in my cycle too, except I'm running my lights to encourage them to grow and get this part over with. I believe they grow until they use up whatever they eat, right? They always just go away after a little while. I get them on anything new I've put in one of my tanks. Usually it's a frag rack. I've never shut off the lights during that.
  3. That's a great idea, you think it'll work in such a small tank? Now I just have to figure out how to set it up, lol. I also have a jbj ato that I was going to sell. Would that work better? I've never used either.
  4. Thanks everyone. I have a little fan. My only thought is in 3gal it's going to need lots of frequent top offs from evaporation. I have some ice in a bag floating in there now. It's up to 82 in the tank. I think I'll be fine unless we decide to go to a friend's house for some a/c. At that point I'll probably decide it's best to take it somewhere. Unless the ice trick works and I feel comfortable leaving it for several hours. We'll see!
  5. Well I guess it's our turn...I woke up just now to find our a/c out. Fun times. At least it's night and only going to get cooler. My tank is okay for now but things are going to get really interesting if we can't get it working later in the day. I'm not quite sure how I'm going to keep a stable temp and salinity in 3 gal of water if/when it gets really hot in here. I have a fan for these occasions so I guess I'll try that and keep topping it off, or float some ice. Hopefully we'll just be able to get it fixed asap...I'll have to take the kids elsewhere if it gets too hot. Maybe it'll be worth draining the tank and just bringing it with us if that happens.
  6. I don't need to kill anything...I actually don't need the viagra either...but I'm happy to give you a green polyped toadstool!
  7. Next on the list: hook up the sump, get the equipment running underneath, and hook up the apex system!
  8. I have a lot of cord clean up and ignore the aquascaping, that will be done later, but we have light! Also it turns out they don't come with the cable to connect them to each other so I'll have to buy those. Here are my 4 a360n kessils
  9. Na, just an old towel that I use for my tanks. I had my baby at home in the bedroom It does look like that though! Yep, it's the hanging kit from AI. I really like it, very sturdy and easy to raise & lower.
  10. Wow that's beautiful! Cool idea!
  11. Lol, baby willing I'll get these hung today I'm in middle of getting the toggle bolts in the ceiling...
  12. Nice to see this tank coming along. Looking good! Do you have any other fish in mind to add?
  13. KimP

    Live rock

    I didn't notice the other responses to this thread, sorry about that. No one came for it so it ended up getting left outside in the bucket. It's definitely not live anymore. But it's still some really nice rock if someone wants to clean it up.
  14. Thanks for buying it! It was great to see you again!
  15. Congratulations! That's one beautiful baby girl you have there.
  16. Sure, it seems to grow under any light that I've tried.
  17. Ha, if you don't need to sell the ai nano, by all means use it! Especially if you plan on growing out frags down there. I was just thinking a simple grow light for cheato.
  18. KimP

    60g cube

    Can you make a light hanger that attaches to the wall behind the tank? I'm hanging mine from the ceiling which allows me to raise and lower as I like, that's another option.
  19. Things are looking really good! Bummer about the crab, have you noticed it picking on anything else? I'm glad you found the culprit.
  20. Sounds like things are coming along nicely. What are you thinking of for a fuge light?
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