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Everything posted by KimP

  1. So I have an apex I'm working on setting up and I only have 8 outlets. Which of these things would you choose to have connected to the apex vs a regular power strip? 4 apex controllable lights 2 apex controllable powerheads Return pump Skimmer UV Sterilizer ATO Possibly a heater Maybe get another apex power strip?
  2. We just had the A/C fixed like a week ago, so hope the guy would've noticed if these were a problem. I'll certainly look into it. I know other members on here have sumps and I don't remember ever seeing a thread where anyone was having humidity issues. Thanks for the idea!
  3. Lol, I think the paste is super easy to use and so much easier & quicker than tape when I was changing our irrigation to drip
  4. The teflon is blue. I have a tube of the paste kind in the garage but no pink. Maybe I can get some this morning. Thanks!
  5. Looks like it's only threaded joints, which is good. I've had the return shut off all day and it's still dripping. It seems like with no water traveling inside the pipes in the overflow, that the only thing that can still leak is the bulkhead, so I don't know. I'll get another chance to mess with it tomorrow.
  6. So I found the one joint that's leaking on the drain and it looks like all the joints leak on the return. Luckily it doesn't appear to be either bulkhead. Thanks victoly!
  7. Thanks for the quick idea, I'll try that now!
  8. My tank was hooked up to the sump and running last night for the first time. This morning I have 2 issues. 1- There is a leak somewhere around the bulkhead on each side. Any advice for pinning down where exactly the leak is? It's somewhere in the mess of parts either pvc cemented together or threaded with teflon tape. 2- The humidity is unreal in the house. The carpet feels damp, everything feels damp. Inside the stand there are condensation droplets on every single thing, including all inside walls of the stand. Is this how it is with a sump? Could it be because of the leak? We run the a/c and keep the temp at a steady 77 all the time downstairs. The stand is open in the back and a couple inches from the wall. If it's going to stay this humid I will have to take it down, we will certainly get mold problems like this. Thanks for any advice. This is my first experience with a sump or any of this plumbing, and I'd really love to keep the tank!
  9. I've managed to mount the apex and get it all connected, along with mounting the UV sterilizer and reactor. I still need more parts to hook up the return. Now I need to tackle this mess. This is where my ato jug is supposed to sit. What do y'all do with the power supplies from lights or other equipment? I have 4 from the lights and 2 from powerheads. They are quite warm too. I'll definitely run a fan under here.
  10. I like hearing both sides, on any subject. I especially appreciate the posts that have me thinking hard on the decisions I make for my tank. My tank is better from it. The debates only enrich the forum, as long as they don't get ugly, of course.
  11. Brittle stars are so fun! I had one in my old seahorse tank and it always freaked out any guests that saw it, lol. It was fun to watch eat and was actually out a lot. I'm definitely getting another one! I don't know much about them but I've only heard the green serpent stars are hunters.
  12. Just about anything red, except one blasto colony, turned orange under my LEDs.
  13. KimP

    Probe holder

    I'm assuming the styrofoam is placed on the water and there's no problem if it gets wet? And it just floats maybe?
  14. KimP

    Probe holder

    Anyone have some laying around? I have 2 probes to place in my sump.
  15. KimP

    Bpb's 55

    Cool, now I want to go get my sunglasses!
  16. That's fine, just pm me when you'll be available to grab it.
  17. I just got a tunze 9006 skimmer for my 90. It has a tiny footprint of less than 5"x5" and is like 18" tall.
  18. One tangelo, maybe 10yrs old or so, produces many fruit each year that are delicious. The flowers in spring smell incredible! One dwarf pomegranate that flowers and produces fruit almost all year except when it's the coldest. It's about 5 yrs old. Both are well established and in very nice pots. They have been well cared for until the past couple weeks. With the new baby it's becoming clear I can't keep up with watering them and don't want to watch them suffer. They are really heavy and located in our backyard. I won't be able to help move them.
  19. I know you don't want to buy one but if you end up looking at new ones at some point, the tunze skimmer I got has a tiny footprint and is very short. I have a big clearance problem in my stand and this one works out great for size.
  20. Wow that's good to know. I'll leave it and see what happens. I have a terrible time gluing these corals anyway.
  21. The house is finally cooled off and I removed the extra equipment from the tank. Nothing looks particularly awesome. This is the only obvious damage so far.
  22. I'm still in, although I'm not sure what shape my little tank is in. I was wondering if we do that on the 4th or 15th. Well either way mine is done as of the 15th of last month. I'll get pics and all posted after I get everything unhooked.
  23. I know they're really busy, that's why we went and got a window unit, we don't know how long it'll really take to get fixed. I peeked through all the cords and fan and looks like my red monti cap is mostly bleached. I hope that's the extent of it.
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