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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Thanks for renewing! Definitely the best discount and great customer support!
  2. Thanks everyone, he does fit right in!
  3. Yes! He feasted on frozen mysis last night, I'm very happy with him so far! He also found himself a different home. I also saw all 3 blue dartfish out eating. Things are going well.
  4. Cerameco barnacle for sale. This is a very large piece, measuring about 1' in all directions. I've had it cycling for at least 2 months. I have 2 of these in my 90gal if you want to see how they look. Asking $30
  5. Sounds great! I love cerameco aquascapes, I have several pieces myself. I can't wait to see pics!
  6. Looky who joined us yesterday Funny thing is, he's hanging out in the spot where the blue dartfish always are. I hope they're getting along well, or the dartfish found a new spot they like. They're almost as big as the eel, so I don't think he ate them. You'd think with all the tons of crevices, caves, and holes in the rocks that he could've found a different spot. It sure is fun to see him out and about already!
  7. In other news, I found my decorator crab walking around with a space monster zoa on his head :/ He has expensive taste.
  8. Guess who comes out all the time now? The blue dartfish! He must've just needed to get used to all of us being home. He's very cool and can dart back in his hole in the blink of an eye, but then comes right back out. And just as I was about to post this my son noticed a second one out. Yay! I wonder if all 3 are still alive or just those 2?
  9. Can hammers and frogspawn be close to one another?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SChrisEV


      Yes to the question, wrong about the torch being the only LPS to be kept apart. I have a Lobophyllia that killed a Favia and was working on a Frogspawn before I moved it.

    3. jestep


      I assume he meant the only euphyllia. Non related LPS are not friends.

    4. SChrisEV


      Oh, gotcha.

  10. Thanks for posting the video! I feel kinda bad taking him away from his friend. How much would you say the crab wants to eat? I give him a big piece of seaweed almost everyday. He devours it and spends the rest of the day picking at everything in the tank.
  11. Lol, I know it seems like a lot. I wanted good coverage all the way to the bottom and on both sides. With a center brace 4 was the only way to go. It did take a considerable chunk out of the tank savings!
  12. No, the dendros are in a dark spot on top of a rock. The others are on the sandbed. Maybe I should try putting them higher. The crab travels all over the tank though, high and low.
  13. Finally an update. I was gone almost the entire month of July. It was great to just let the tank do it's thing without me messing with it everyday, but a few corals got flipped over, knocked down, or pushed under rocks. All in all nothing major like I was expecting. I have the apex up and running on a very limited scale. At the moment it's just turning on and off the lights and turning the return pump off for the automatic feeder for 20 min a night. I took the feeder off and I'll do bigger feedings maybe twice a week now that I'm back. The livestock so far consists of a tail spot blenny, cleaner shrimp, decorator crab, dartfish, emerald crab, a bunch of little feeder shrimp, hermits, and various snails, mostly nassarious. I have one dwarf moray eel hanging out in briansrocks' sump that I need to go get. That'll be my next addition. I'm disappointed in the dartfish. I've only seen it out once for a second. I know I shouldn't be surprised but I figured with no competition and having been in there a month, he'd come out once in a while. It was from divers den. I can always see his eye in the hiding spot under the rock. It was actually a trio but I assume the other 2 might be dead, although they could certainly be hiding as well. The blenny is awesome though. I figured he'd be the one I'd never see but he's always out chilling on a rock somewhere and swimming around. Cool little fish, not too small at all for this size tank! One big problem/dilemma I'm having is about the shrimp and decorator crab. They are both the stars of the tank right now, especially the crab. Always walking around doing something my son and husband enjoy. Problem is they are tearing up my dendros, fungia plate, and constantly moving anything on the sandbed around. Flipping them over, burying them, etc. I set this tank up for my boys to enjoy, which means mostly fish and critters like that, but I can't resist putting corals in there. I need to decide soon what I can give up.
  14. 90gal, fairly new tank, slowly stocking it
  15. KimP

    Fluval Spec-V

    That macro looks beautiful in there. Your tank sure ended up looking like a piece of art, I'm glad you're going to keep it going.
  16. That looks great! You did such an awesome job with this tank. I'm sad you're breaking it down!
  17. It is SO COOL to turn things off and on in my tank using my computer!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. esacjack


      then get x11 and go fully automated in your house :D

    3. victoly


      get a butler and call him

    4. brian.srock


      I get get my stuff to turn off just by thinking about it. Too bad it's when i'm away and there's no way to flip the stupid GFCI back on

  18. Thanks, it was great to meet you too, glad you're back!! Tank is sold
  19. I have the 4 kessils I'm working on getting connected. In town I was only able to find 2 cables so I need one more. They look just like headphone cables with the male end on each end. Are these some special kind of cable or could I go to radio shack or somewhere and just find one with the same ends? I'm thinking there's gotta be a reason everyone carries the a360's and no way to connect them.
  20. Divers Den has a beautiful dwarf morey! Why do they have to get one in right before I leave for 3 weeks! :(

    1. brian.srock


      You can always buy it and stick it in my sump

    2. KimP


      Reeeeally? I'll pm you :D

    3. victoly


      a community of enablers, we are.

  21. I'll throw in live rock free with it
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