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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Oh and eat dinoflagellates too!
  2. Isn't that insane!? (If you're serious that's cool, I'll need the pp up front tho) Cool fish but it better come with a 10yr warranty and do some amazing tricks. Possibly do water changes itself, eat bryopsis & aiptasia, etc, too. Wow.
  3. i keep reading along and all i all ever get is "man, i have no idea what he is talking about, but it sure sounds like it sucks". so i think it is time i offer you "sorry man, good luck". That's funny, me too. I try to follow along but I have no clue what's going on, lol!
  4. Ha, thanks! If I could take a vacation right now I'd be happy to deliver it!
  5. Well assuming the thing I want is available this evening, I'll order it right away and I believe I have 2 days to add things before it has to be mailed out. I can have it delivered any day.
  6. I'm ordering something from divers den today. If anyone wants to jump in lmk. I live way south off of slaughter.
  7. There are a few for sale in the classifieds if you're wanting to go really small. Check out the diamond in the rough and there's a Lost themed one. Both awesome little tanks!
  8. Mint chocolate chip is a good name for those second ones!
  9. Thank you so much for handling this order. I'm very happy with my fish too!
  10. KimP

    65 Gallon Cube

    I've ordered from divers den and they are absolutely top-notch. I've never had fish or coral packaged so well. The fish did great and ate prepared food right away. I highly recommend them.
  11. Yes. Of course. I need sleep...
  12. Assuming I calibrated the probe right, my pH is 7.28
  13. It's no problem. My lobos did this every single time I did a water change. Never seemed to be a big deal over the couple of years I had them.
  14. Thank you for spelling all that out. It definitely helps me and I'm sure will help others in the future who might read this. I feel like I understand all the info on dosing but now I'm confused about the water change. I have about 20 gal ready to go. I was going to do it all at once, should I do smaller ones to avoid increasing the alk too fast?
  15. Thanks for the info. I need to figure out all this stuff about calcium and alkalinity regarding dosing. About my first post, I had been doing water changes until I left town at the very end of June. Right after adding the fish and starting regular feedings. So it's been almost 1.5 months without one.
  16. I've got some if you need it. Thank you for the offer! I just picked up some from victoly so hopefully tonight I'll have the pH meter going.
  17. Welcome to the club! It's always great to see another reefer down south
  18. I've been surprised too. Thanks for the info, I'll get a water change done asap tomorrow and go from there. I'm so relieved that this might be a random thing and I won't be dosing alk like crazy for the life of my tank!
  19. I think you might be on to something. I have not tested for ammonia but I can. All of my inhabitants look great and act normal so I didn't test for it. I kinda wondered if it had something to do with adding fish and starting regular feedings all of a sudden when I left town. So are you still having to dose kalk?
  20. I'm currently mixing salt. I'm waiting on some pH 10 soln to calibrate my meter. That's the only test for ph I have atm.
  21. Also, I use red sea coral pro salt and added a bottle of aragamight when I set up the tank.
  22. I have a fairly new 90 gal tank running. Started slowly, let it run with just live rock for a while. Live rock is from a tank that had been running for about a year I think. Added a few cuc, nothing crazy. Later added some feeder shrimp. Much later added a couple inverts. More than a month ago I added some fish. So it's been a few months of slow stocking. Current stocking list is a small eel and 3 small fish. 2 of them are very small. Decorator crab, cleaner shrimp. Only a few corals, mostly small lps frags. At the very end of June I started daily small feedings along with the fish using an auto feeder and I left town for a month. Get back things are great, corals look good. So no water change since the end of June. I test the water for the first time a couple days ago using the red sea pro kit. Ca 420 Mg 1600 Alk doesn't even register on the chart o.O Order a hanna alk checker that comes today and it shows 89 then 92ppm. Very very low. Any ideas how this is happening? I'm going to have someone test the alk in their hanna checker to see if they get the same results but I think it may be correct. Corals look good except a couple zoa frags, but that's actually pretty normal lol! I just plugged in the skimmer yesterday but it's not collecting much as of today. I think excess nutrients can lower alk, right? I hardly have any algae growth so excess nutrients doesn't seem to fit. I'd like to get some ideas of how it got so low so maybe I can correct the problem. I'm also getting ready to dose. Thanks!
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