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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Things are looking really good! I like the placement of the feather caulerpa. How's your jawfish eating?
  2. I have an update for this. A while back I ended up tilting the muffler just a bit to the side, on accident. It's completely silent like that! I have to either put my ear right up near the overflow or look at the lockline to see if the return pump is on. I'm sure just time helped too with a biofilm. I notice a big difference if the muffler gets bumped back flat onto the pipe. My net covers for the tank hold it tilted in place.
  3. KimP

    DIY ATO?

    This is great. I've been wanting to set up something for my pico!
  4. Welcome to the club! A build thread is a great idea to get advice.
  5. Lol, it is just like a drug deal, esp the nights when person after person comes to the door just to exchange money for little baggies. I've wondered what the neighbors think. Or when the transaction includes some kalk or other white powder in a bag!
  6. After looking at the pictures side by side, I remembered I also moved the birdsnest to the 90. It's been growing and has it's polyps out but lost most of it's color. Hopefully it'll do better in the 90. It also appears I have an asterina to add to the livestock list.
  7. I didn't realize it had been so long since I updated. The tank is still running along smoothly. No problems with algae or pests or anything like that. Now that the contest is over the livestock now includes a cool little pom pom crab in addition to the small hermit and stomatella. I have had a problem all along with the zoas slowly shrinking away. I was surprised how small they could get and still open. I don't believe I lost any polyps. I finally made the decision Thursday to move the zoa rock to the 90gal where zoas are doing well. Now I'd love any suggestions on stocking since the zoas are out. It looks boring and somewhat dull in comparison. I am going to change the background back to black, I don't like the blue shown in the picture. Also the red cap is still faded but now that I've been on top of more frequent water changes, it's coloring back up. I think that's about it! Before: After:
  8. I was surprised my decorator crab ate a big clump of cheato fast. Is that unusual? I thought nothing ate the stuff.

    1. jestep


      I've never heard of anything eating it as well.

    2. brian.srock


      When he has no algae then he'll find himself food. Put some Nori in with him.

  9. A 20 gallon isn't that much bigger and it's a good project you're doing. Have you talked to your parents about it? It seems reasonable if they'd let you run a 10gal why not a 20 instead, especially when it's only temporary. I would try to just keep it all together if possible.
  10. Wow what a great build! I can't believe he got sand to you that fast, awesome. Great job on the stand.
  11. I was reading about this salt mixing thing and got to thinking. If alk and/or Ca and whatever else starts to precipitate out if it's mixed longer than 4 hours, would it just precipitate out in the tank if put in before 4 hours? How is blowing around in the tank different than blowing around in a trash can?
  12. I could be way off base here. My understanding is alk can drop with higher organics in the water. It sounds like it started really dropping when you increased feedings. The exact same thing happened in my current tank and in my previous tanks that I've fed heavy in. I just dose alk everyday to keep it up since I have some fish that need to be fed frequently. My coral load is very light right now so I know it's not that.
  13. That's really neat! Is all the digging keeping your water cloudy?
  14. Great picture, I love the little brittle stars!
  15. KimP

    ID needed

    That looks just like one I used to have, I can't remember the name. Really easy to grow and it is photosynthetic. Mine was at the bottom of a well-fed seahorse tank.
  16. Yay! Glad you found us, welcome to the club!
  17. Oh wow that looks amazing! Mine doesn't look half that good. What kind of fish is that? Great job!
  18. I thought we were supposed to mix for at least 24hrs to let the ph stabilize? I always mix longer than that and I have a buildup of something in my trash can too.
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