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Everything posted by KimP

  1. That's looking really good. I love it with the addition of macros! You can put something like fiberfill batting in the canister filter to clear up the water, you just have to change it out pretty frequently a it clogs up.
  2. Wow, I can't believe you did that all on your own. It looks great put back together.
  3. My urchins have plenty of algae to snack on with just what pops up in the tank. I don't feed mine extra either.
  4. I wanted a blue background until I tried it with one of those plastic backgrounds I had laying around. The overflow and black powerheads really stuck out. Amazing tank by the way, wow!
  5. Those are some excellent pictures! The tank is really looking good.
  6. That was a close one. I'm glad everything worked out fine! I think we've all had close calls like that.
  7. Maybe a tunicate in the second picture? They have 2 holes and feel like that. You certainly have interesting hitchhikers on your new rock! I have no clue on the first.
  8. Ha! Grow out tank, I like that!
  9. Randall's shrimp goby and red banded snapping shrimp pair. Ideally I want them in my 90 gal but they're so tiny right now I'm keeping them in here so I can be sure they're eating and give some time to grow. So I guess this pico is now a quarantine tank.
  10. I also decided to add the world's smallest shrimp/goby pair. I swear the shrimp is about half an inch, maybe! Both are eating very well they just haven't found one another yet. I hope they do soon, it's not exactly the biggest tank. They've been in there a couple weeks.
  11. Yes actually, I did! I put the zoa rock back in there I quickly realized it would be a mistake to ever put anything from here into the big tank because of the blue clove polyps. Don't want those spreading to my 90gal! Besides, this tank looks so much better with it in there. I have continued weekly almost 100% water changes along with turning the light up. Things are looking better. We'll see. I might just swap out some of the coral for more of the types that are doing well in there.
  12. I feel your pain. Flooding the laundry room happens all too often around here.
  13. KimP

    60g cube

    Great job with the acrylic. Everything is coming together nicely!
  14. The blastos are really the nicest I've ever seen. Amazing colors!
  15. Sounds neat! I can't wait to see what you come up with.
  16. Is that a current picture? The rockscape looks great!
  17. What about turning off your powerheads occasionally for feedings? Then he might get more food. It's a pain but then he for sure eats. Or you could get an apex, then turning things off for feeding is super easy! Anyway, just a thought! I love the new corals! Sun coral is more difficult than dendros are. You might want to make yourself a feeding syringe of some sort to spot feed those guys. Maybe you already do.
  18. I'm glad you were able to find a solution, even if it's just a temporary one. I'm glad the problem is only the power supply!
  19. KimP

    Fluval Spec-V

    The pico is looking great. That macro is so pretty in there!
  20. Yes they both sold, one to you, one to wizard and he sold that one already to someone. I'm sorry you're having trouble with it :/ I wish I could help!
  21. Can you put some airline tubing in the hole? Then you can pull up or down on it until it quiets down.
  22. Congratulations! You have a beautiful family!
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