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Everything posted by KimP

  1. No, not yet. Are you interested in anything?
  2. That's one heck of a frag, nice!
  3. Day 1 will be tomorrow. I have a few corals that belong to a friend. We decided I'd return those before raising the mg. I'm ready to see it die, ha ha!
  4. Wow. Better start sleeping with one eye open...
  5. Well, whenever. I'll order by the end of the week if no one joins and wants a different day. I can take delivery any day.
  6. Free shipping is $225. Not sure how much I'll put in yet. Around $50 so far? I have a big credit there and I don't mind just splitting shipping if needed.
  7. Thanks for summing it up! I've been trying to read through your build thread to find all that out and hadn't found it yet. Awesome!
  8. I want to put in an order, anyone want to go in with me for free shipping? Hoping to order this week.
  9. I pulled the 2 rocks out. They got a freshwater bath and hit with peroxide. In the end I decided one rock was a lost cause and tossed it. Bummer because it was my most interesting rock, but on the other hand, for whatever reason, it's always been a major algae magnet. The zoas near the bryopsis got a peroxide bath. They're pretty mad but will hopefully recover soon. JeeperTy was nice enough to drop off some Kent (thank you!) so I'll start on the mag dosing today.
  10. I'm positive it's bryopsis, unfortunately :/
  11. What about hooking up a UV sterilizer during and for a while after treatment? Do you think that might keep it from spreading and coming back?
  12. Okay, thanks! I think the brs mg supplement I have has 2 kinds. I'll go check...
  13. Okay and the consensus is only Kent Tech M, right?
  14. I have bryopsis taking hold on 2 rocks in my tank. They are easily removed so I'd like to just pull them out and treat them instead of dosing the whole tank with magnesium or something. What should I use? I was thinking freshwater and/or peroxide. One rock has zoas on it that I'd rather not kill. Ideas? And after treating can I just stick them back in after scrubbing and rinsing?
  15. This isn't my experience. My has worked fantastic from second 1 and I've used it for many months. I love mine! One of the best aquarium things I've found over the years!
  16. That forum does take a while to approve. Just fyi, there isn't actually a ton if info on dwarfs there. There's actually more and better info other places on the internet. A couple thoughts, you're looking at hatching and enriching every day. Every single day. And feeding. They need a small tank and some way to deal with all the extra nutrients. Then there's the hydroids. Ideally every single thing that goes in the tank is dry or relatively sterile. That also rules out macros unless you can find some that will survive a fresh water soak. Besides all of that, there are a bunch of people out there that successfully keep them! And they're relatively easy to breed. If you have the extra time to devote to feeding and cleaning I say go for it! Just read up on hydroids and what all that entails. Also, a good source for them is seahorsesource.com. They're terrible shippers so be prepared to lose a few. Usually they include a couple extra because of this.
  17. Your tank and sump look fantastic. I absolutely love the huge gorgonians, wow!
  18. Maybe you can hit it with a little peroxide while it's out. With a dropper or something?
  19. I don't know of anything. Is it possible to take it out and expose to air for a while?
  20. What a great idea! Are you able to remove and replace the wall without too much trouble? In case you need to remove the sump or something?
  21. I'd be happy to come over and top it off, I still owe you. Also I have an ato on the pico now. You can borrow that ato while you're gone. It's not that much trouble to top it off like I used to.
  22. That's looking great! What all do you have in there? I'm also interested in what you're doing in the back chamber?
  23. Welcome to the club! Always great to have more lighting knowledge around.
  24. I've been happy with RSCP too. I'm looking forward to pics!
  25. Welcome to the club! I've certainly read of this happening but I don't have any personal experience. I hope the damage is minimal and everything gets back to looking good.
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