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Everything posted by KimP

  1. I don't have those particular chalices. All of the ones I do have are in full light but near the bottom of the tank way at the side. I think yours will be fine in semi shade, just move them in more shade if they start fading. Can you post pictures of your chalices? I'd love to see what they look like!
  2. Thanks for joining! My dartfish trio took a couple of weeks before all felt comfortable to be out and about.
  3. Okay, good to know, thanks!
  4. This morning I found one of the turbo snails on it's back looking dead and the long spine urchin looking bad also. I poked the snail and he flinched so I turned him over and now he's gone, so I think I'm okay there. He must've fallen off the glass like Ty experienced. The urchin has dropped a couple spines but is now back to being on the glass. Interesting. I haven't started dosing today. I wonder if I should just do 500ppm today? I also added the foxface today from diver's den. You can't beat already quarantined fish Now I just need him to eat all the algae!
  5. Fish are here and the boxes are nice and warm, and the fish look great. Pm's sent.
  6. The boxes should be here this morning. I'll send a pm with my address and let everyone know when they're here.
  7. I looked into these a couple years ago when I was really into nps corals. They have terrible survival rates but I remember there were some promising results with the Fauna Marin foods. Those seem to be what the best nps tank keepers use. The blueberry gorgs are sure beautiful! I'm interested to see how they do!
  8. Magnesium tested 1680ppm just now and I'm starting to see a difference. The bryopsis is starting to turn white. I've also noticed all of my corals look better than ever! Especially the chalices, I swear they've grown a noticeable amount in just a few days. I hope it keeps up as the level rises. I've been taking daily pictures of the one bryopsis clump I left in, but realized just now they're all blurry. You might be able to tell here that it's starting to turn white. Now that I know they're coming out blurry I'll be sure to get better ones.
  9. If it were me I'd just leave it, like you said, the inhabitants are going to rearrange it all anyway. And definitely don't add copper probes
  10. I have a hob filter, I'll see what size. Plus lots of random fresh water stuff you can have.
  11. Great update! I miss the lunar cycles, that is a great feature. Sorry about the jawfish, I know that was one fish you really wanted. Things look great with the coral and macros! The palys definitely don't need to be fed. Have you tried feeding the gorg though? I think higher flow was a great idea for it. If you have some filter feeder food, that will help too. I have a huge container of filter feeder food if you want some. I have the same stuff in one area of my sandbed, kinda like diatoms. My conch does a good job of eating it, do you have one?
  12. Ty, if you see this, what did you use to measure your magnesium levels up to 1800?
  13. Today I am up to 1440. I started out around 1240 yesterday, increasing 100ppm per day. Problem is my test kit is maxed out at 1500... I need to work on a plan for that next. So far no changes.
  14. I'm pretty sure I have a nice piece of driftwood in my fish closet you can have, if you decide to go that way. The tanks sound fun! Lucky boys!
  15. I nominate you!Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk You can keep it in my tank if you need to.
  16. The order is placed. I can add or make changes until Mon at 9:30am.
  17. So for delivery, is Tue fine with everyone for the box to arrive?
  18. Updated totals KimP - one spot foxface $37, fighting conch $9 Lorien - slender filefish $25 Sasha - one spot foxface $17 subsea - 4 hippos $160 Nwehrman - dartfish trio $70, fighting conch $9
  19. Can you send a link to the foxface lo? I'm not finding one for $16.99
  20. That's fine. Orders can come from either place.
  21. We're past free shipping! Here's what I have for everyone: KimP - foxface $37, fighting conch $9 Lorien - filefish $25 Sasha - one spot foxface $17 subsea - 4 hippos - I'm not finding the ones for $40/ea, can you send a link? Nwehrman - dartfish trio $70, fighting conch $9 I think that's it. Please let me know asap if this is correct so I can get the order in. Items go from Diver's Den pretty quickly sometimes.
  22. Are you talking about the ones from divers den? There's a trio that can't be split up.
  23. I'm headed home now, as soon as I get there I'll add everything up and let you know where we're at.
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