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Everything posted by KimP

  1. I have another update. I went to feed my dendros last night. I put some pellets in a piece of rigid airline tubing to spot feed them. For the first time in the 3 or so years I've kept dendros, the pellets didn't stick. Either that or the dendros didn't want to eat them. For whatever reason, the pellets sat on the tentacles for several moments and then the current blew them away. Weird. Also, I've lost all 3 of those old snails I've had forever but none of the many babies that live in the sump. I'm not sure what the name of that kind of snail is but they are all the same type. Also weird. The other thing that's changed with the rise in magnesium is the blue sympodium has a lot more bright green in it. It looks great! But I wonder if a blue coral that bleaches a little might end up looking like it has some bright green. It acts totally happy though. Anyway, I wanted to post these observations in case anyone reads this thread and is planning on treating bryopsis this way. I'm going to start bringing the Mg down over the next couple of weeks so it'll be interesting to see what happens with the sympodium and especially the dendros. The best part is no bryopsis and hopefully it'll stay that way!
  2. Check your magnesium levels too. If it's low you'll have trouble getting your alk & calcium up.
  3. I'm really sorry to hear this It'll be fun to set up a new tank though. I'm moving to another house too so I'll be watching this thread. I wish your tank was going to be available sooner. I've always wanted that tank and the stand is a work of art! Good luck with everything and I'm looking forward to seeing you around more.
  4. Having the photo contest work in tapatalk would be all that's needed for me to participate! Idk if that's possible of course. I'm excited to get another calendar!
  5. What are the dimensions of your tank, how many kessils are you running, and why did you choose the wide angle ones?
  6. You're forgetting to mention how you drove like a crazy person as fast as possible over to work to do some special electronic-drying thing It sure worked though!
  7. Oh that's alright. I wish nothing had died, of course, but there was no way to know and I'm just glad there was any option for getting rid of the bryopsis. The snail I lost was at least 3 yrs old and the serpent star never seemed to make a good transition into my tank. I would guess this isn't the norm and these guys were on their way out already.
  8. Thanks. I just pulled him out and he's dead.
  9. One last update. I lost one snail and the others are just laying around partly out of their shell but still alive. I found a mini brittle star in the same condition a bit ago. Also the big serpent star has a leg sticking out from his hidey hole. I poked it and I couldn't tell if it's alive, I ran out of time. Here in a while I'm going to see if it's alive for sure or pull it out. What an interesting reaction these creatures have had to the magnesium. Another interesting thing is my big clump of blue sympodium has gotten much more green than it had before. I'm not going to dose anymore and just keep testing the Mg levels, and watch how things go. Right now I'm still planning on holding off on water changes, but I'm ready to make some water up if needed.
  10. Wow! I'm so impressed, that looks fantastic, great job! The new file fish sounds so cool, I can't wait to see it.
  11. KimP

    Hey everyone!

    Welcome to the club!
  12. I have 4 360N kessils over my 90 gal and zero complaints. Colors are great, I'm getting excellent growth. They're very quiet. The lights themselves get warm and they do warm up the tank, but it's not too bad. I have mine controlled by the apex, both the intensity and spectrum changes throughout the day. I'm very happy with the decision to switch!
  13. Nice to see a top down shot on your tank. Is that the mh? Did you add any leds to it?
  14. Hi! Thank you and welcome to the club!
  15. I have my 4 kessils hanging from a bar and it's very clean. The wires are all behind the bar. I'll post a pic in a bit. It doesn't have to be messy. There are a ton of cords though with each one having a power supply and the daisy chain cords!
  16. Update for today: nitrate showed a possible 0.25 but the color change was so slight. The kit is old and I don't trust it so I'll get it tested at the lfs asap. The bryopsis clump is gone! There is a little bit of gha left (and cyano). I waited to dose today and after 24hrs the Mg was down to 1800. That seems like a lot for the tank to use up in a day. I dosed after testing tonight to bring it back up and I'll do the same tomorrow to see if the consumption is about the same. The corals are seriously exploding in growth, especially the chalices. It's very noticeable. The snails are still having trouble sticking and are sluggish but no losses yet that I've found. The long spine urchin appears the same.
  17. No, I'll test now, I hadn't thought of that. Thanks for the idea! There isn't hardly any die off that's obvious since I manually removed all but that one clump prior to dosing.
  18. I didn't see, I was gone the whole day.
  19. Good news, this bryopsis clump is about half gone today, yay! I'm planning on keeping the Mg at 1900 for a while, probably a month, until I'm ready to move the tank to the new house. Hopefully it continues to wither away and be eaten. Tonight I noticed more snails laying on their sides or back. The long spine urchin looks faded, I guess that's how to describe it. It's not as bright black as it used to be and has dropped a few spines. I hope it adjusts. That's about all that's happened. All the corals still look good!
  20. I've read Timfish recommend running the sterilizer off of its own powerhead that's placed in the DT, right near the sandbed to catch the most ich. (I hope I repeated that correctly Tim) As far as how much heat, I don't know. Personally I was at my limit of how much I can cool my tank without a chiller, so any added heat was a deal breaker. I'd imagine you don't have to worry about it with a chiller.
  21. Heat can be a downside. It's the sole reason I've never hooked mine up. I have it ready to go the second I might need it though.
  22. The new mix of lights sure makes a difference! It's not nearly as yellow and looks great! Nice mix of corals too. I've had a couple BRS reactors and they are simple and sturdy, you can't go wrong with them. I vote for the dual. You have a bigger tank, and especially if you're thinking of going sps, I think you'll be very glad you did!
  23. What an awful drive home, yikes! Glad you made it safely and are happy with your fish. Thanks for helping us get free shipping!
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