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Everything posted by KimP

  1. I'd go dark since its right near the stairs. But do whatever you like the look of best, it doesn't all need to be the same shade to look nice.
  2. Great job. I like the magnets on the doors!
  3. I've had lots of gorgonians over the years and haven't actually lost one. I'm not sure what happened and I wish I had some advice :/ I've found them to be pretty easy. When they don't like conditions, mine have just closed up for a while like leathers do, then shed, then come out fresh and new and adjusted. I'd almost think something stung yours. Is that a possibility?
  4. This is doable, and a great idea. I hadn't thought of going wider on the kitchen side. It all comes down to cost, of course. It sounds like the next step is comparing prices for various tanks Also, I have an electrician at the house right now, so when I get over there I'll ask about the electrical work.
  5. Hi! I have both change over the day, to mimic a sunrise/sunset. So I do blue - not so blue - blue. I don't like the look of them turned all the way white. I think it's very subjective how white or blue you run your lights. As long as you do any lighting changes nice and slow, it seems everyone varies a bit on how long their lights run. A lot of it depends on when you'll be around your tank because you'll want it on when you're home, of course. They are excellent lights! Enjoy!
  6. Thanks, yes, just trying to keep it a standard tank size. I'd have to be clever with rock placement and keep a very open look. I'm super chicken about the wood floors :/ I did get the water sensors for the apex.
  7. Lots of good things to think about, thanks guys. Just to clarify, I was thinking of making the ledge wider and just plopping the tank on top, not enclosing the tank in any way. I would leave it open just as it is now with the light bar hanging from the arch like victoly mentioned. I can't see how my access to the tank would be less than it is now, with just my standard setup against the wall. I could even have a cabinet door on the backside for sump access on the back as well. I'd have to get a new 90gal with a corner overflow of course.
  8. I don't want to hijack Teresa's thread ( http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/29522-this-is-what-i-want-now-how-do-i-make-it-happen/#entry226491 ) so I've started my own on basically the same subject. We just bought this house and placing a tank in this arch would be an awesome place to have a tank because you could see it from the entire downstairs. The length of the opening is about 49" so perfect for a 90g, but the wall would have to be built wider. In the picture, the wall that is 90 degrees to the one with the arch, if the ledge was built out to the end of that wall, it would be 19" which is also perfect for a 90g. In Teresa's thread, some of the quotes were in the 5k-7k range. What would all that be for? I'm looking for help figuring out a realistic quote before deciding to go ahead with the project. I'm assuming most of the project would be essentially building a regular tank stand, just as part of the wall, with the complication of moisture control. Seems really strait forward but I can't figure out what would cost thousands of dollars. What am I missing? Please help me pick apart this project before moving forward It would be a drilled tank with sump underneath with access on the tile side.
  9. What a neat fish! Perfect for that tank too. Lookin good!
  10. (From the husband) Thanks all for the comments. As far as I could dig up, the U-Verse cap hasn't affected anyone in Austin. The consensus is that it is something imposed nationally by AT&T but they unofficially exempt Austin. We just saw an ad for 300 gbps U-Verse called GigaPower that rolls out this week and *is* available to us, so we opted for that. The fine print for this deal said that there is a 1TB cap per month then $10/50GB overage with $30 max. Perhaps that might be enforced. The cost for Standard is $100/mo but you can get $70/mo for Premier which is the same thing but you consent to them monitoring your web browsing and searches to target ads towards you (including direct mail).
  11. What Woods said. Try getting a flashlight and looking around, behind rocks and under anything, I bet you'll find them.
  12. Glad to hear the tank is doing well! I have a couple hardy soft corals you can have, if you want. Just pm me if you do. Glad to see an update!
  13. KimP

    Hi Everyone!

    Welcome to the club from another aggie
  14. KimP


    Welcome to the club! Sounds like you're off to a good start, taking things slow.
  15. Same here! You can visit (clean) mine anytime! But really, you could set up another tank to hold you over
  16. Either day is fine with us, as long as it's in the afternoon.
  17. I'd have to agree! My tassled filefish is the coolest fish I've ever had. So much personality, out all the time, and very interesting to look at.
  18. I've noticed my dartfish spend almost all their time hiding, only coming out to eat. Might not be worth the bioload.
  19. I appreciate all the responses, it's been very helpful!
  20. For all you folks that do lots of streaming of movies at home, what internet service to you use? So far my only choices seem to be Time Warner (or Earthlink as a reseller of TWC) or AT&T U-Verse. The fine print for AT&T said there is a montly cap of 250GB and $10/50GB thereafter. We're concerned that wouldn't be enough, but maybe it is - this is why I'm asking. Plans for TWC seem more expensive but are presumably unlimited albeit slower. I'm not a huge fan of either TWC or AT&T. Verizon FIOS, Charter, Grande, and SuddenLink do not service my area. We only use internet, not the cable or phone services.
  21. I had fun too! It was great seeing all of you! Thanks to all who planned it and those who brought food & drinks.
  22. We're headed that way. 2 adults & 2 small kids.
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