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Everything posted by KimP

  1. I'll have my standard 90 for sale here in month or less. It's drilled with a sump. When are you thinking of buying? And welcome to the club!
  2. I have both the red sea and salifert mg tests and much prefer the salifert, it's quicker and easier to use. Good luck with the treatment! The tech m worked great for me.
  3. I have one! I'll pm you as soon as I find the info.
  4. Upgrading I have room now finally!
  5. I'm getting ready to buy another tank and I'm curious why people buy from the places they do. I notice some order directly from the manufacturer, others from RCA or the Dome. Feel free to pm why you bought from whichever place. I'm going to try and stick with a standard size so I should be able to buy from anywhere.
  6. If you can put in a little prime or other dechlorinator, you won't have to worry about bleach residue. The tank is coming along nicely!
  7. Everything is looking really, really good! Good job keeping the sandbed open and clean.
  8. It's coming along nicely so far. Pretty clever with the light!
  9. Well I got a chance to mess around with the display again. If I can make this work then I won't have to fool with the networking stuff. I set the outlet as a heater. What temp spread do people like to use? Ideally the temp would stay between 77-78. That's also the default settings. I didn't realize the apex would control both ends, turning it on and off according to the temp. Also what should I set the heater itself on? It didn't put out any heat at all until I turned it up to 90. It sat completely cold for days when I set it to 78. Maybe the heater's a dud :/ And should I increase the range in the apex settings?
  10. Good thing I asked It's a 300watt. I cannot get the thing to keep anywhere near a stable temp on its own. I have a laptop and a router there, we even still have internet service, but my apex went through the downstairs router which is now at the new house. So I can't access the apex anymore. If it's not doable easily through the display then I'll have my husband get it to work. I am clueless with this network stuff.
  11. Has anyone programmed an outlet using the display only? I'm in middle of moving and don't have the ability to control it through my computer at that house. My temps have been having huge fluctuations so I finally broke down and bought a heater. Problem is I can't get the temp stable with the heater. I'm thinking the best thing to do is crank the heater all the way up and let the apex control it. Is that a good idea? If so, I'm having trouble getting the outlet programmed using the display. I need to get this stable because I'm losing corals :/ moving sucks!
  12. Wow, your tank is looking SO good! I love the rock work, different macros, and coral placement.
  13. Welcome to the club! Sounds like you have a nice little setup. There are several of us here with nano/pico tanks. I'm looking forward to pics!
  14. Awesome. So are you going to drill the rock and use rods? I'm glad you mentioned wishing you had 24" vs 18"depth. I've been debating which to go with for my new tank. I'm looking forward to pics of your aquascape!
  15. Coming along really nice! What did you decide with the aquascape?
  16. Welcome to the club! Tank looks great!
  17. That stand is beautiful!
  18. I'm pretty sure I have an extra but mine's not very old. How old is the old style?
  19. What Mike said. Yikes! I don't have any advice but I hope things turn around fast. Definitely post if you figure out what happened.
  20. Yes, I would definitely have a GFI outlet. I talked to the electrician that was here the other day and he said it'd be almost impossible to do a dedicated circuit without really tearing things up. The area the tank would sit is pretty much dead center of the house, under a second story.He'll be back in about a week and I'll have him see exactly what all is on that circuit. He sounded like there's no way a tank these days would need one with everything so energy efficient and with the leds, and in a newer house. I don't use a heater or chiller. Anyway, I don't know for certain that's correct but I hope so! I'm glad to hear some confirmation on this being a fairly simple and straightforward project. I'm still contemplating tank sizes.
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