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Everything posted by KimP

  1. KimP


    Awesome. Welcome to the club!
  2. Great photos! I love the dimensions and everything looks great. Have you looked into build my leds? Really good light strips and cheaper than other options.
  3. KimP

    Hello from Buda

    Welcome to the club!
  4. Have you tested magnesium?
  5. I have a good sized piece of blue clove polyps. I live way south though. Pm me if interested.
  6. My tank is finally getting moved to the new house today. So exciting!! I've missed it. Thank you Timfish!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Planeden


      I hear timfish has an extra.

    3. JamesL


      :). I should have gotten it during the meeting.
    4. Timfish


      Didn't you read the part where I said I can't possibly tear apart my system? ;-)

  7. That's very generous! Thank you!
  8. Everything is looking so good! I hope that bubble coral comes around. And yay for seeing the pom pom crab! Mine is in a 3g tank and I don't see it much. The rbta is beautiful.
  9. This is definitely the way to go if you have trim on your tank.
  10. Definitely time for a cleaning! That's crazy about your serpent star, glad he made it.
  11. Just a quick update. The project is now a go, just looking at tank sizes vs cost. I'm leaning towards a 48"x30"x25". Basically set on that size, actually. Thanks for the advice everyone that suggested going wider and letting the tank stick out past the wall.
  12. Are you running carbon? Just in case it was the sea hare.
  13. I run an AC70 on my little 3gal pico and I love it. Lots of room back there and you just pull the intake tube off of it's base until you get the flow however strong or weak you want. Good choice!
  14. Happy birthday! I hope it's a fun one!
  15. Well I'm glad the biggest and hardest part is over for you. Are you setting up the 92 again? Did you get a new tank? I can't believe you moved that big tank alone. I'm gearing up to move mine. I've been losing coral too and it's so frustrating! I'll be sure to have some heaters and pumps on hand, that's good advice! Good luck with everything else!
  16. Great mod. It's nice that you can easily replace razor blades as needed vs having to buy special replacement blades.
  17. Everything looks great! That bml fixture sure looks nice on there.
  18. Glad you found something. I hope they all get better fast!
  19. Good question. I've had a bubble coral that opened and closed everyday with the sun rising and setting (tank got some direct sunlight every morning just as the sun rose) not the 400 watt MH bulbs that came on in the afternoon and turned off at 10:00pm. I've also seen pH fluctuations affected by cloudy days even though the only windows in the room were north facing. It seems some of our animals are sensitive enough to detect what stikes me as subtle external variables why not algaes also? (Something else to track for the next 5 - 30 years! ) This is so interesting!
  20. I have one that looked like that for a while and eventually turned into red grape caulerpa. Mine's not bright pink, it's darker but it's in full light, not shaded.
  21. Welcome to the club! Tail spot blennies are great fish.
  22. I like what you did with the towers, looks good.
  23. Great! I'm looking forward to your build thread!
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