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Everything posted by KimP

  1. I have a great recommendation too! I'll pm you.
  2. Oh no, I'm sorry to read this. I hope things stabilize quickly! Have fun with the water changes
  3. Beautiful. I really like the black sand.
  4. I will later today, mixing now. Pm me if interested.
  5. That plate is so bright! Is the tube anemone nps? I've always wanted one.
  6. I like a blue background too but your overflow will show up way more than with a black background. No big deal just wanted to mention it.
  7. Who do you even call about moving easter? I know a guy who knows a guy
  8. That looks great! It doesn't sting the chalice or whatever that coral is beneath it?
  9. I had it just on one speed all the time. I'm really thinking this happened because he was weak and already dying. That's my gut feeling anyway even though he'd been eating and acting fine. I came home today and he's down near the sand like it won't be long at all till he dies. Such a bummer! Thanks for all the advice though, I learned a few things.
  10. I scrape the back but only when needed, which isn't very often. I have a flipper too and it's pretty easy to flip without taking it out. I think there's instructions or maybe a video somewhere about how to do it.
  11. Okay, thanks. I sure hope he recovers. About soaking his food, can I put the frozen mysis in garlic while it melts? I've never used garlic with fish food before. I'll look up covering a tunze with foam. He definitely likes to hang out around that powerhead.
  12. Smart idea. So I'll trade you in a few months? That's a beautiful chalice you have!
  13. I'd love to trade for it but I don't know how to frag any of mine. How'd you frag that one?
  14. Okay, I'll add prime right now. Thanks for the advice.
  15. What pumps do you use instead?
  16. It was on a tunze turned up pretty far. This is what he looks like. Bad side Good side Any ideas on something I can do to help? Should I just leave him alone? I have the powerhead off since he mostly hangs out near it, and I turned off the kessil above him since he's hanging out near the surface right under it. I'll try to feed him mysis later.
  17. When I got home today, I found my tassled filefish stuck to my bigger powerhead I right away turned it off and saw the fish is still alive. His eye is pretty torn up but otherwise seems to be in one piece. Big bummer, he's my favorite fish. Is there anything I else I can do for him? Has anyone had this happen and the fish lived? I'm thinking a healthy fish wouldn't have gotten stuck in the first place, so maybe he's sick. He'd been eating like a pig so I hadn't suspected a problem.
  18. Great topic. I have a ups laying around and an apex also but haven't hooked up the ups yet.
  19. That's great! Looking forward to pics.
  20. I'm in too, great idea Mitch
  21. I'm so sad to read this I bought my first coral from him, and several after. Such a nice guy and so helpful. I'm going to miss him around here.
  22. That all sounds great but how can you post an update like that with no pictures!!! I would've liked to see one of the clam you found, that sounded really neat. Plus the new scape, of course.
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