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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Full tank shot, basically post a picture showing the whole tank. Or a video!
  2. I'm really sorry to hear that.
  3. Ha, y'all can come party with me and the baby!
  4. It sure is! Thanks for helping me get the video posted.
  5. I managed to get this video of the pom pom crab eating cyclopeeze a few weeks ago. The tank is in better shape now but I still wanted to post the video anyway. It's narrated by my 1yr old.
  6. First there was this Now this The demolition was really fun and easy! Dusty though.
  7. I'd be awesome if that was my tank, but I haven't gotten a call about it yet. It's only been maybe a week anyway. Thanks for all the tips, I'll look into all of those ideas. I have been planning on having basically a shower pan all along. In the current stand I have, I made it so that it'll hold about 2" of water before leaking out of the stand. I also have a water sensor on the apex. So, I should be good for minor leaks that occur under the tank or from any equipment in the stand, and I just have to pray the tank itself never cracks or busts a seam! I'm sol if that happens and no one's home. Another plan I have to minimize water on the floor is to have all the reactors, manifold, etc, be in or over the sump such that any leaks drip into the sump. That's saved me a couple times on my current tank already.
  8. Demolition begins this afternoon! Updates coming soon
  9. How's it going with your seahorse?
  10. How's the tank doing?
  11. Thanks! It hasn't been too long since Stephen posted about his. His looked fantastic, so I'd hope it's still running.
  12. Thank you! It's nice to be enjoying it again.
  13. I ordered the tank yesterday from Aquadome. 48"x30"x27"tall with an external overflow and 2 holes on the bottom for a closed loop. Should be pretty clean on the inside of the tank. I hope it gets built and shipped fast, it'd be awesome if I had it for the meeting! I also had looked into getting a stand from DSA to preserve the warranty on the tank but they want almost a grand for just a bare-bones structural stand. That's kind of a bummer. Really hard to even consider that as a option compared to what a 2x4 stand will cost.
  14. The pico's been doing well. I've kept up with water changes and things are looking up! The pom pom crab is out all the time now and I'm really enjoying him. I'm thinking of changing the background back to black and adding a few tiny frags on the big rock, as long as things keep growing well. You can see the fish and the crab out in this fts
  15. That is SO cool! I didn't know you could get captive bred ones. Awesome!
  16. Hi! Welcome to the club!
  17. I'll try and find my box of it, so let me know if you can't find it at the store.
  18. No, not exactly. You use a thin catheter and stick it down its throat past the gills, then push the mashed food in, a couple times a day. Kept a seahorse alive for at least a month this way while his pop eye healed. He couldn't see the food well enough to snick it. He lived for another two years or so after that craziness.
  19. Half of my fish tank stuff is still packed from moving, but in my seahorse first aid kit there's this stuff, I think called bio-bandage. That'd be the stuff to use on that wound if you can get some. I thinks it's an antibiotic too. Also crush up some vitamin b12 to add to the water, that can help with appetite. If it seems to be healing and the seahorse still isn't eating, they are fairly easy to tube feed. Sounds crazy but works great.
  20. That looks terrible It's definitely not ich, I'd get him in an antibiotic pronto. Usually I read to have the hospital tank as close to 68 degrees as possible with super clean new water.
  21. Any chance you can get a clear picture of it?
  22. The gfci that my tanks are on keeps tripping. Should I be looking for a tank problem or a house problem? It's only staying on for a few minutes at a time. Haven't had this happen until today.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Planeden


      have you tried plugging the ones that aren't acting up again?

    3. KimP


      They are on an apex but I have them powered by a regular power strip. I just plugged them in and it tripped. Then I unplugged the one kessil I've been having trouble with and everything has stayed on for about an hour so far. I'm pretty sure it's that light. Time to see how kessil's customer service is with warranty claims. I should be just barely under the 1yr mark.

    4. mFrame


      take the bad kessil to a different gfci and try it there?

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