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Everything posted by KimP

  1. I have an RO/DI that I've been using over the years for aquarium needs. Now my husband is wanting to take advantage of the RO part for drinking water. Is there anything I need to do as far as cleaning or increased maintenance to make/keep it safe to drink? Last week I changed out the sediment filter and there was gunk at the top :/ I keep picturing that whenever I think to go make some RO drinking water.
  2. Welcome to the club I'm interested in hearing about your nano in the works!
  3. Very cool mod on the refugium. Your tank is coming along nicely!
  4. FTS from this evening
  5. Yesterday subsea let me tag along on a vip tour of the UTEX Culture Collection of Algae lab. It was so amazing and they were very gracious hosts. They have shelf after shelf after shelf, lining all the walls, full of all these different types of algae. The directors of the lab gave subsea these 4 samples and he's going to let me give them a try in my pico. We figured they'd have a good shot in there seeing as I can easily control the flow, lighting, temp, and placement of the algae and keep a close eye on them. Right now I have them on the window sill as I find time to research each of them. Once I find out what I can about each of their natural growing conditions, I'll get them placed in the tank. If I felt comfortable getting out half of each, without introducing contaminants into the tubes, I'd do that. I'm going to try and come up with something. The lab director said they'd be good in the tubes for a month or so, so that'd buy me another chance with each, if something happens to one. I'm pretty excited! 3 of the 4 are really neat looking! And the other kinda looks like bubble algae, not gonna lie
  6. It looks like a mini brittle star to me. That's what they do, live in the rock and stick their arms out to catch food. They're hard to catch and are really good little hitchhikers!
  7. That's so sad! I'm really sorry. I have an eel too and would be very upset if he died. What would they treat the seafood with?
  8. Since no one showed up at 1:30 this morning, I'm guessing the meeting is at 1:30 this afternoon Hope to see you here!
  9. Yay, I haven't seen you in forever! I hope you can make it!
  10. Thank you all for the nice comments! It's been fun to do.
  11. Kim,Tim told me that you demolished the wall with your bare hands. Ha! With my bare hands using a saw and a crow bar
  12. We're getting excited about the meeting! We'll have lots of food (ordering Austin's pizza), drinks, and snacks. Bring the family too, the house and yard are very kid and baby friendly and I got some little activities for kids. The backyard opens up to hundreds of acres of hiking and a creek, right in Mary Moore Searight park if anyone's interested in that too. It's a blast back there! Come learn from a contractor the correct way to cut open a wall for a tank and enjoy visiting with other reef addicts I hope to see you there!
  13. Lol, I know. They were both laughing and having the best time all by themselves for like an hour strait. Best decision I made all day. It might be worth the let down later!
  14. In the meantime... It makes a great fort!
  15. Thanks for the kind words everyone. Timfish/Fishy Stuff is helping me some, so I can't take *all* the credit
  16. Very nice! What is the coast to coast overflow?
  17. Here's what I've been working on this weekend. I was trying to get it to this point for the meeting, so yay! Building the stand went really smoothly. I'm glad I had already built a stand before so I knew what I was doing this time. The uneven floor was a bit tricky but the final product is square and level. I'm hoping the tank will be ready for the meeting, but it'll probably take longer than that. Oh well The next thing I'll be doing is painting the stand to protect from moisture. I'm still thinking on the sump/ato/electrical space layout for in the stand. I have roughly 48"x27"x34"tall space to work with.
  18. If you have any smaller food, like frozen cyclopeeze or baby brine, even filter feeder food would be good for the heads without many tentacles. I've also read that the heads can support each other. I bet you'll get it back in shape.
  19. What an ordeal. Good for you for keeping up with it and getting those nitrates down so quickly! I had to re-read a few times when I thought you wrote "water change" and especially "big water change" j/k j/k... Why are you changing out all of the prolifera instead of just leaving some of the stuff that's in there now? And about your dendro, that sucks! Have you been keeping up with feeding it and it still receded that much? My 2 colonies were receding but that's only because I couldn't reach them for target feeding in the new aquascape after moving. I just put them in my pico and have been feeding them like crazy. They seem to be starting to recover quickly. Sounds like you're definitely on the right track!
  20. I don't think you have to live here. It'll all play out in the locked forum, between the mentor/mentee.
  21. Amazing looking tank, glad to have you join the club! I hope your move goes smoothly!
  22. I'm really close to you too if you still need someone.
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